Victory for Vox Political reader in Bedroom Tax appeal
Paul and Sue Rutherford and their grandson Warren, pictured in the living room of their house [Image: Aled Llywelyn/Athena].
I hope Paul will contribute a few words about his appeal, which I have offered to publish.
This result shows it is possible to make a difference, no matter what the ‘authorities’ might tell you.
The bedroom tax has been declared unlawful by the appeal court due to its impact on vulnerable individuals, dealing a significant blow to the work and pensions secretary, Iain Duncan Smith.
Judges ruled that in two cases – those of a victim of extreme domestic violence and grandparents of a severely disabled teenager – the government’s policy amounted to unlawful discrimination.
The first case involved A, a single mother living in a three-bedroom council house fitted with a secure panic room to protect her from a violent ex-partner. The other was brought by Paul and Sue Rutherford, grandparents of Warren, who is seriously disabled child and who needs overnight care in a specially adapted room.
In both cases, the claimants faced a cut in housing benefit because they were deemed to be “under-occupying” the additional rooms which were classified as spare.
Campaigners welcomed the ruling and called on the government to change the rules to protect women who need special sanctuary schemes, and to give disabled children the same rights as disabled adults.
Source: Appeal court rules bedroom tax discriminatory in two cases | Society | The Guardian
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Well done. This wasn’t just discrimination, it was extremely nasty and vindictive discrimination.
Firstly, great stuff…David and Goliath stuff. But did I hear right that these low lifes are really considering an appeal?? These types of issues should never have need to be fought in Court. The application of common sense when first bringing this garbage money grabbing scheme in the first place would have saved all this grief. They still have not got enough small flats available to accommodate those who actually would like to move…all knee jerk ill thought out mindless politics.. This Government is really beyond any words………..come the revolution.
Yes, the DWP is appealing against the ruling.
Apparently an appeal hearing combining several cases the DWP has lost about the bedroom tax is going to take place.
(BBC no link yet.)
The outrageous money being squandered on endless court appeals by the DWP regarding ALL welfare reform is obscene.
It is costing more in court appeals and admin than the bed tax itself.
But we all know there is no price on IDSs ideology.
yes well done,another kick in the balls for this vicious,callous and vindictive government.
Yes another victory against the uncaring and atrocious Government and lets hope for the other victims who have died that this Tory Tax is scrapped for good
Well done, I am sure you have had a fight to get to were you are, but it will have been worth it. One wonders who the ‘inspectors’ are who originally made these decisions. Should/could they be retrained in the way s of humanity?
Harvey Lloyd
Two observations this legal victory brings to mind. How the hell did it ever get this far, to end up in court when under the rulings on the spare room, neither could be remotely described as under occupied and how many other times have DWP and IDS policy “mistakes” as they are described when they are exposed, cost the taxpayers thousands in legal and admin fees.
SP Eye Joe wrote a really good article on the mainstream media’s total lack of understanding of the cases in which he also ably demonstrates how much the policies of Osborne and IDS have actually cost us more than they saved. No wonder Osborne has to keep printing money to hide his “cock ups”.
Give the nasty tories a bloody nose
This ruling is the BBC TV National News Headline Story
Paul Rutherford is a reader and frequent commenter on Vox Political. This Writer would like to offer him hearty congratulations on his victory – as I hope all right-minded readers would.
Please thank; congratulate & wish Paul & his family every happiness
with love from @badputty and family
well done paul
congrats Paul well done. however human rights are now considered within the UK domestic courts. This will not be the case if UK vote out of EU. Then your application to have human rights considered will be in Strasbourg.
Are you sure about that?
Thanks Mike, and all the Vox Political readers who’ve left the comments above. Sue and I really do appreciate all the support we’ve been getting… so much of it from people we don’t know and will probably never meet. It does get a bit overwhelming sometimes, but helps us get through the times when we get ‘down’ and, yes, frightened: after all, we’re taking on the biggest bully in the land!
Yes, Mike, I will be writing something, but will be waiting a day or two until I’ve got over the media-storm we had yesterday. Our little rural cul-de-sac was filled with outside-broadcast vans, and our front room filled with lights cameras, tv and radio reporters from 9am till about 6.30pm. God knows what the neighbours thought!!
Sue stayed out of the way, and Warren and I faced the cameras and microphones all day, while Sue kept the crews going with tea and coffee!
It was a big story!
Okay, I’ll look forward to some words when you’ve had a bit of time to step back and apply some perspective to it all.