Will the UK have EU flood relief money, or will Cameron ‘forget’ to apply – again?
David Cameron in early 2014: He didn’t apply for EU funding then and there’s no reason to expect him to do so now.
They are saying they could apply for millions of pounds from the EU Solidarity Fund, to help victims of the recent floods.
Do they think we have stunted memories?
This is the same fund to which David Cameron notoriously “forgot” to apply during the flooding crisis of early 2014, while saying “Money is no object” when it came to flood relief.
At the time, This Blog said Cameron would not apply for EU aid because he did not want to lose face. As an example, it was noted that at a time when the UK’s future in Europe was being questioned, it would be “politically sensitive” (as Reuters describes it) for Cameron to go there and ask for a handout.
The UK’s future in Europe is still being questioned.
So, what has changed?
Will the Conservative Government claim any money?
They don’t help poor people.
The Government could apply for millions of pounds in EU aid to help rebuild the north of England after flooding in recent months, ministers have said.
In the last 12 months the Italian, Bulgarian and Romanian governments have drawn £40 million from the EU Solidarity Fund to help with recovery after flooding in their respective territory.
Britain has so far declined to make a claim from the fund, but the Government is now keeping “all options open”, according to a statement made by a communities minister.
The EU Solidarity Fund was set up to respond to major natural disasters and has paid out more than 70 times to 24 different European Countries since its creation in 2002.
An application to the fund must be made within 12 weeks of the date of the first damage caused by the disaster, meaning that time is running out for the UK to gain access to the money.
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This is is not the only ‘Insurance’ policy the tories mis-manage.
If it would help his friends, tax dodgers or anyone rich Cameron would apply. As it is for poorer people it will no be an application he will rush to complete. I agree he does not want to lose face so unless there is a petition, a debate in parliament or something that will maybe shame him into applying for the funding then he will probably conveniently forget again, I feel too. It is so easy to read this man I can not understand how anyone can be taken in by him and believes his lies!
anything to avoid facing the EU with embarassment.
shows how disrespectful Cameron is being to flood victims. Clearly he has no morals and all decisions made are ego and party – driven.
I think you got it right first time his ego is much bigger than his thick brain and he still wants to be seen as one of the big boys, not one of the EU scroungers with mega debts. Doubly difficult when he and his mates are dishing out our money to help eastern europe flood schemes!! You just cannot make this ludicrous Party up ……… however the Tories can, and have and will continue to act like dictators…….this fund is like an insurance kitty, which doubtless we the tax payers of the UK have paid into,.so go get our slice you Camoron.
“We will increase the money we are spending on flood defences, because we have got a strong economy and a strong country that can back the action that is needed.”
Cameron then promptly turned round and made cuts in the funding
He is too late to claim for last year’s floods, and time is running out this year.
He is grovelling to get the EU to get our conditions of membership changed. He keeps on telling us and them that his economic policies are working and we are economically strong.
So, he is worried about what the EU would think if he has to go ‘cap in hand’ begging for help, when he has lied.
CaMoron telling lies,i cant believe that !! thought only Idiot Duncan Smith did that.