David Cameron to enlist Juncker’s help in bid to keep EU talks on track
Jean-Claude Juncker (left) meeting David Cameron at Chequers in 2015. Look at the body language; whatever Juncker is saying, Cameron doesn’t like it [Image: Suzanne Plunkett/PA].
Only a couple of days ago, we were told that these talks were on track, due to very positive talks between Cameron and Angela Merkel. Now “Whitehall fears the chances of a deal… in mid-February are slipping”. What a difference a day makes – or were we fed a lot of bunkum?
And why should we believe this story, when the others seem to be a lot of smoke in the wind?
David Cameron has scrapped a visit to Denmark and Sweden as he tries to inject fresh momentum into his EU negotiations with unscheduled talks with the European commission president Jean-Claude Juncker in Brussels.
As Whitehall fears the chances of a deal at the European council in mid-February are slipping, the prime minister will on Friday seek to persuade Juncker to allay the concerns of some of the smaller EU member states.
Downing Street is hoping that the renewed momentum will ensure that Donald Tusk, the European council president, is able to send out his latest proposals on the UK’s EU reform package next week to all EU leaders.
Source: David Cameron to enlist Juncker’s help in bid to keep EU talks on track | Politics | The Guardian
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How can you tell David Cameron is lying?
His lips are moving.
I doubt that the EU leaders, especially the slavic and nordic nations, will be the least bit swayed by Tusk. aAccording to the social media, these countries mentioned have a very low opinion of England and Cameron and that includes the Germans and French, who would like us to leave(and that’s putting it mildly).
Example of slavic nation would be Slovenia, a tiny country of two million citizens,who is being inundated with hundreds of thousands of mostly muslim Syrian/Libyan refugees while the UK of 60 million is only willing to take a few thousand. They’re miffed and think we are disgusting towards the plight of the refugees(which we are).
as unemotionally as I can my comment is, at Davos mark Rutte Dutch pm and with Camerons full support and blessing. it has been stated BY these two to issue a call to British business leaders to actively campaign to prevent a BREXIT, I WOUNDER HOW THEY MEAN TO IMPLIMENT THAT PROPOSAL? when two parties endorse the same policy there has been an agreement in this case to actively prevent the leave vote being democratically upheld without interference, the eu members claim not to be interfering? I do not see it that way, nor will their assurance not to use propaganda against the British public be honoured when the EUs better in billboards start getting erected. the EU is stuffed with ex Goldman sachs employees, the same company that set Greece up to fail so Greece could be plundered by their banker friends, now GS are paying Clegg 22,000 pounds to give pro eu lectures and have the support of an ex Goldman Sachs associate tony Blair also working to defeat the democratic will of the British people. .The stay in campaign is being funded by GS AND JP MORGAN ANOTHER Blair associate, so my contention is this, big business wants to control and continue to make all the economic policy, we see an unholy alliance between GS-JP MORGAN TONY BLAIR-CLEGG-EU MINISTERS-TUSK-JUNKERS-VALLS- RUTTE-DJISSELBLOME-MERKLE ECT,ECT, THE ONLY PEOPLE FOR STAYING IN WANT THE ONLY POWER AND FINANCIAL SUPPORT TO KEEP THE LEAVE VOTERS IN THEIR PLACES, UNDER GS,UNDER THE EU AND POWERLESS, VOTING LEAVE THE EU IS OUR ONE DEMOCRATIC OPPERTUNITY TO REGAIN OUR SOVEREIGNTY AND TO TELL THESE PARASITIC FLEAS TO FO.
Okay. I can see that you want the UK out of the EU. However, I’m not sure you can justify the things you’re saying. I haven’t seen anything about any foreign leader suggesting any anti-democratic obstruction to whatever the referendum decision might be.
cameron is not impressive as a human let alone a negotiator.