Jeremy Hunt scolded by High Court judge over ‘inappropriate’ tweet during NHS manslaughter trial
Bungling: Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt’s tweet was blasted by a High Court judge [Image: Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire].
It should be a huge embarrassment for the Conservative Government that its ministers do not know how to behave, especially during important court hearings.
This was a corporate manslaughter case, at which his use of Twitter could have prejudiced the outcome, if the jury had been asked to find a verdict.
Hunt himself could have been imprisoned for contempt of court.
It seems there were enough reasons to find that the NHS staff concerned had not behaved in a sufficiently negligent manner, to ensure that the case was dismissed, so there was no need for legal action against Hunt.
But this kind of incompetence is an indictment against a Conservative Government whose ministers simply aren’t qualified for their jobs.
No wonder the UK is in such a terrible state.
A High Court judge blasted Jeremy Hunt and ordered him to delete a tweet that could have influenced an NHS manslaughter trial.
The hapless Health Secretary linked to a news report about schoolteacher Frances Cappuccini, called Mrs Coffee by pupils, who died in pain hours after giving birth by Caesarean section in 2012.
But Mr Justice Coulson said his claim that it was a “tragic case from which huge lessons must be learned” was “highly inappropriate” because the NHS and a doctor were still standing trial for manslaughter.
Sitting in a crown court hearing he complained there were “no lawyers left in the Commons” and warned in a worse case the tweet could have been contempt of court – a criminal offence.
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every member of this govt should be charged with corporate manslaughter,and crimes against humanity.
Hunt is yet another utterly dishonest and corrupt Tory. We should never forget that when he was caught red-handed embezzling expenses for which he wasn’t entitled to claim, his pathetic and childlike excuse was that he didn’t understand the rules. That, on his own admission, makes him totally incompetent. Pity the Judge didn’t send him down until the end of proceedings.
Jeremy Hunt Pratt strikes again. What a muffin, what an idiot, what a disaster. Despite his elfin looks, Hunt Pratt has the sensitivity of a bulldozer.
They are all from the same school of bullying and stupidity how else would these “bears with little brains” be running this Country…….just by sheer luck of the out of date voting system….. hopefully there might be some reforms for the better but with lying Cons already working on securing their voting scams for the next election there will be little chance of any reforms for the better.
How much longer before the appointment of Judges becomes the priviledge of the Executive? We may mock Hunt and his hapless ilk who supposedly run this Country but as things stand any form of dissent is gradually being curtailed by stealth. The Nazis did this and we must hope that these Tory monsters are not allowed to do the same.
they are all subservient to their USA masters.
Hunt is like the rest briefed by the USA politicians and corporations and is in position for the privatisation of the UK health and public services.
his loyalty is not to his UK constituents but to his USA political masters.
USA insurances will make profits from health insurance, subsidised hospital care and other monopolised care provision when he has completed his dirty work.
surely there must be something under EU law, that all member states must be democratic.
and surely somebody soon should get a petition going to the effect of,
This government think themselves above the laws of the country.