Secular Talk on the Appeal of Donald Trump | Beastrabban\’s Weblog

Last Updated: February 15, 2016By

The only conclusion to form from this is that Trump, like the Conservative Parasites here in the UK, is a fan of The Big Lie – tell a falsehood loudly enough and often enough and people will believe you.

Hitler said he stole it from the UK. The Tories have stolen it back. It seems the Liberal Democrats contracted it (like a disease) during their Coalition with the Conservatives and now it seems Trump has developed it as well – possibly from the Nazis.

He seems to appreciate some of their other policies, after all.

This is a very interesting piece of analysis by Secular Talk’s Kyle Kulinski, of the replies given by a Trump supporter interviewed at the caucus by David Pakman. The man said he voted for Trump, because he wanted a national health care system in America, like that in Britain and Canada. Trump had said he supported this. Pakman pointed out that Bernie Sanders also said that he supported an NHS for America. The man also stated that he liked Trump because he was anti-establishment and showed leadership. He would make America great.

Kulinski shows how much the man’s views reflects the carefully constructed rhetoric of Trump, and his campaign strategy. Trump is winning the Republican electoral race, because he talks at a fourth grade level. While others have seen this as a handicap, showing how stupid Trump is, Kulinski states that it’s actually very clever. It boils everything down to punchy statement with a real emotional clout.

Trump is also winning because he’s extremely confident, much more so than his rivals. Few commentators on the electoral contests have recognised just how convincing and persuasive this is to voters. Trump tells people he’s winning, even when he isn’t, and so they believe him. When he says he’s got leadership, they swallow the line that he will be a great leader.

Source: Secular Talk on the Appeal of Donald Trump | Beastrabban\’s Weblog

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  1. amnesiaclinic February 15, 2016 at 10:08 am - Reply

    Thanks for this. Can you give us the detail of Hitler stealing this from the tories originally? I know much of the upper echelons had strong ties to the nazis and the expectation was that they would win.
    Well they did, but in a very different way through infiltration in Operation Paperclip and other channels.

    • Mike Sivier February 15, 2016 at 10:26 am - Reply

      From Wikipedia:

      “[Joseph] Goebbels wrote the following paragraph in an article dated 12 January 1941, 16 years after Hitler’s first use of the phrase [in Mein Kampf]. The article, titled Aus Churchills Lügenfabrik (English: “From Churchill’s Lie Factory”) was published in Die Zeit ohne Beispiel.

      “The essential English leadership secret does not depend on particular intelligence. Rather, it depends on a remarkably stupid thick-headedness. The English follow the principle that when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous.”

  2. autismandate February 15, 2016 at 10:30 am - Reply

    Labour must wake up and jump on this and hit back at this rhetoric immediately if not sooner, otherwise the voters will sleep walk into another holocaust of tory annihilation of the poor, vulnerable, disabled and the working poor.

  3. Neilth February 15, 2016 at 10:44 am - Reply

    This is fast becoming the (Anti)political goto way of running a campaign in many electoral contests. Farage in the UK will lie, shout down etc and behave generally appallingly and still seem to attract more supporters because he “tells it like it is”, he isn’t “a real politician” implying he can be trusted. He repeats his lies louder and more aggressively but often enough that the electorate come to believe him. He, like Chump, will talk over and shout down people who can expose his statements as unsupported falsehoods (pace Question Time last Thursday). He will often say one thing one day but have to retract or modify ‘I was misquoted’ the next when exposed in the cold light of day. He, like others will make up statistics or ‘facts’ as they go along again pace last Thursday when he shouted ‘fact’ after many of his more unsupported statements.

    Sadly the tactic seems to work largely because electorates the world over have lost a great deal of faith in their politicians and are looking for something they can more easily relate to. Unsophisticated voters who find it difficult to follow the often Byzantine convolutions of real political debate and want a straightforward answer can be duped. This is particularly true in the Immigration debate for instance where economic migrants, EU nationals, asylum seekers and refugees all become one huge amorphous mass of people lining the coast of France in their millions awaiting the opportunity to sneak through the tunnel en masse and destroy the British way of life.

    Farage and Trump throw numbers around like confetti without regard for truth or relevance in order to scare people. This populist approach certainly seems to work as it confirms the fears and prejudices of people who “go by my feelings” when reading /listening to the news, which, (the news media) seems to feed into just these fears and prejudices by using pejorative words eg swarms, floods, bunch etc of foreigners.

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