Iain Duncan Smith says pro-EU ‘smears and threats’ may push him out of the government. Hooray!

Iain Duncan Smith supports Britain leaving the European Union – because it will become easier for him to continue his genocidal policies against benefit claimants without fear of being made to answer for them? [Image: Dave Thompson/PA].
The Gentleman Ranker has accused colleagues in the cabinet of “spin, smears and threats” that would make it difficult for him to remain in government.
This is an unexpected and welcome bonus for the ‘Remain’ campaign.
The removal of Iain Duncan Smith and his policies of murder-one-step-removed will be a huge gain for the people of the United Kingdom, in addition to any benefits we would keep by staying in the EU.
As for the rest of his claims – do they really have substance? He doesn’t name a single instance of the behaviour he describes.
Meanwhile, This Blog has listed many claims by the ‘Leave’ campaign that either don’t have any substance or are flat-out lies.
It seems that Mr… Smith doesn’t have a leg to stand on. If we keep pushing him, let’s hope he falls.
Iain Duncan Smith has deepened divisions in the government over Europe by questioning the integrity of cabinet colleagues campaigning to remain in the EU and accusing them of “spin, smears and threats” that will have consequences beyond the referendum.
The Eurosceptic work and pensions secretary accused the in campaign of trying to “bully” the public with “scaremongering”.
In an article for the Daily Mail, which received the strong backing of former defence secretary Liam Fox on Friday morning, Duncan Smith suggested the tactics used by his colleagues would make it difficult for him to remain in government.
In his article Duncan Smith criticised the pro-EU camp’s case as being supported by a “nightmare” image of Britain’s chances outside the EU, with “biblical consequences” resulting from a vote to leave.
He accused the government and the remain campaign of staging a “series of stunts” using big business, finance chiefs and European leaders to “bully” those considering a vote to leave into fearing for their future prosperity and security.
He wrote: “The remain campaign’s case seems almost wholly based on what they describe as the nightmare of leaving.
“This case has in whole or in part become characterised by spin, smears and threats … In the last fortnight we have had a series of highly questionable dossiers – threatening almost biblical consequences if we dare to consider a future outside of the European Union.
“We’ve seen a series of stunts, whereby big businesses, big banks, and powerful politicians from other EU member states seek to bully the British people into believing their jobs and security are at risk.”
Source: Iain Duncan Smith accuses pro-EU Tories of ‘smears and threats’ | Politics | The Guardian
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Is it April 1st already? I can’t imagine that scum ever leaving office (of his own accord anyway). I honestly think he “believes” that the public would see that as a bad thing. Cross fingers and bring it on!
will we have a national celebration like when Thatcher died ?
Maybe when we finally see him jailed?
What we do is, we offer him temporary respite in an (ATU) Assessment and Treatment Unit run by one of the Health Trusts for people with autism and learning disabilities, which will be at least a hundred miles from his family. Where he will be kept indefinitely with no access for visitors. He will be sedated, kept in locked room, fed though a hatch. He will be forcible restrained and battered. All records will be falsified. No legal authority in the country will be able release or have access to him. Massive government funds will be paid to government friends and their businesses to operate the assessment unit. Luckily these units little better than horrific gas chambers attract no public interest or humanitarian outcry.
So you are against the NHS then Autismandate?
Every cloud has a silver lining.
Given we can’t believe a word IDS says or writes, it is just more hot air.
Would Pritti [awful] Patel replace him? Another wonderful human being…
LOL, that thought crossed my mind, but hopefully she’ll miss IDS too much and decide to f*ck off with him ?
In my own humble opinion people seem to be more confused than ever over the whole sordid campaign from both sides. Too much smear and scaremongering from both sides is leaving people fed up and apathetic already. Just think we have 3 months of this to go. The campaigns will need to change drastically in my view. Facts not hearsay is required.
Seems like IDS can dish out the crp but cant take it!!
Well from his peers at least.
I suppose the likes of us dont register with him but a whole new ball game when the tables are turned on his ideas and opinions by those he considers more equal.
I was going to say simply ‘equal’ but I doubt IDS really considers anyone to equal his own perception of himself?
I still wonder however if this Tory IN OUT war is some kind of PSY OPPs…. Time will tell I suppose.
If we can secure any reason for Satan’s son to resign we must push for it.
The coward fears repercussion form the UN, that is is only reason for supporting a Brexit.
We already have biblical consequenses in our plague of boils inflicted by low nutrition due to the passing over of the ATOS killing the born challenged, and the curse of the followers who feed the pig headed trouser God.
The major worry of course is who would they give his job to and what would they do with it?
Considering they always seem to give top jobs to people who have no experience of working in the industries they are in charge of – A recipe for disaster, which has never failed in producing disasters!
Does “Not having a leg to stand on” mean he’s just a ‘Low down bum’?
How lovely! Not an adjective I normally use!
He’s paving the way to be able to resign for reasons not connected to the way he controls the DWP, his failed universal credit disaster and the lives he has destroyed.
if come out of the EU IDS would be a law unto himself and no sick or disabled/elderly person in this country would be safe
on just that basis alone the public need to vote to stay in the EU but like most things the public are daft and know nothing when it comes to the crunch
where i live they are very selfish and being in or out wont effect them at all so they say ?
you can make what you wont of their argument as i haven’t a clue. to me that statement means your selfish ?
Well the balance of probabilities seems to have worked at last he has said something honest and 100% correct, the remain campaign is based on lies smear and project fear is real and run by No.10.
Read this: The posters that show how hypocritical the Leave campaign is http://wp.me/p4Sru1-57B
It seems the Leave activists have more to do with Project Fear than they’re admitting. And you’re claiming honesty!
That poster is used on support the NHS sites Mike, and was around before the remain campaign had it posted, it is an honest opinion of those who want to keep the NHS in public hands but realise that the ever increasing number of people who might need to use it will only add to the already creaking at the seams NHS.
It isn’t honest at all – and the fact that it uses the NHS logo puts it in direct breach of DoH regulations.
It is a reposting of someone else’s poster as such it is wrong to alter it in any way shape or form because that would give different slant on what it is saying.
Wrong. It is wrong to repost it at all – and necessary to tell the creator to take it out of circulation at once.
No – it is wrong to repost it at all, other than to point out that it is wrong and the creator should cease using it at once.
In defense of the RH MP Duncan Smith, this poor soul may have made a few mistakes, but who in their right mind could condemn the chap. All he has done is follow the orders from above. To compound his plight, he may well have to resign, or worse be shuffled out. He will be used as a scapegoat by all his past friends in parliament, jobless.
Just consider his position for one moment, depressed, and god forbid physically encumbered, cast on the scrapheap and have to face the bullying, demonising and torture of the system. After all, who would employ such a talent given his reputation. Then, he will be dragged before the Hague on counts of Human Rights & Abuse of Position. Who could go through such torment, without considering, the option.
Mmmm…….. maybe there IS a God after all ?
Like he won’t be using scaremongering tactics to terrify people into voting to leave Europe. Hypocritical doesn’t even begin to cover it.
And does he really think that his threat to leave Government will worry anyone in this country? Does he really think he’s admired and respected by any more than a few rabid right wingers? The vast majority of people in this country would probably put up with a tax increase if it meant him leaving.
If anyone ever harbors any doubts over the European referendum, they only need to see who sits in the Leave camp. It doesn’t take more than two brain cells and a microgramme of compassion to know that anything advocated by IDS, Michael Gove and Boris Johnson is overwhelmingly guaranteed not to be in the best interests of anyone except themselves.
there is a sincere desire from all that he falls on his sword. But also he should be made accountable for breaching or violating claimants human rights.
Push him hard someone. Let’s see the back of this nasty, and thoroughly dishonest cretin.
As far as I am aware, there are at least two UN investigations into IDS’ handling, (or mishandling) of his draconian policies; so of course he wants out of the EU.
Oh god I hope so it would be the best news since sliced bread ought to be prosecuted for what he has done might be dancing on his grave yet yippee ?
Such a HATE figure, well and truly deserved.
IDS leaving Government would surely be akin to a genuine benefit scrounger deciding just to stop claiming – that ain’t gonna happen
Promises, promises… please, please… NICELY, NICELY (if that helps).
Well if there ever was a better incentive to stay in the EU I don’t know it. The opportunity to be rid of Ian Duncan Smith RTU (Returned To Unit) is a very compelling reason to stay in. I don’t think he understands – yet – just how loathed he is. As one of Britain’s most despised Ministers he must rate in the Top Five behind Tony Blair, Jeremy Hunt and Priti Patel with George Osborne being fourth – although some may say he is despised above all the aforementioned. I personally rank him second behind Tony Blair.