London Mayor Boris Johnson personally blamed for death of man in fire | Pride’s Purge
It seems Iain Duncan Smith isn’t the only homicidal Tory out there.
London Mayor Boris Johnson has been blamed for the death of a man who jumped to his death from his third floor flat as it was engulfed in flames.
The man –Choi Yip – died in October last year after fire crews were delayed due to frontline cuts to fire services in the capital. Choi’s flat was a stone’s throw away from the former Belsize fire station – which was closed by Johnson in 2014.
In the face of public outrage, the London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority (LFEPA) had actually voted against closing the fire stations.
But – using his mayoral powers – Mr Johnson single-handedly overruled the authority and forced through the cuts. Cuts which then resulted in the death of Choi Yip.
Mind you, Tory mayoral candidate Zac Goldsmith doesn’t seem all that bothered about the danger to Londoners from Boris’s cuts to frontline fire services in the capital either.
Source: London Mayor Boris Johnson personally blamed for death of man in fire | Pride’s Purge
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hate all tories boris ‘ buffoon’ johnson included. have signed petitions against closure of fire stations in London. How can johnson be made accountable, maybe manslaughter trial?
All suggestions welcomed.
Nice contrite picture, taken when? After he couldnt sell the fire engines, or when he found out the water cannon for crowd control didnt work, or did someone pinch his tuck-money?
It wasn’t intended to show contrition – it’s just about the only pic I have in which he isn’t smiling or with some other similarly inappropriate expression on his face.
Well, it only needs somebody, or perhaps a trade union to take Johnson to court. . .
Where did you get that photo of Boris Mike? I don’t believe for a moment that it is of him feeling remorse.
Neither do I. It’s a file photo from August 2014 and wasn’t intended to indicate remorse on his part.
Perhaps should Conservative Central Office have a fire we could have a Fahrenheit 451 job with the firemen hosing the place down with kerosene. That should help things along nicely.