Poor Iain Duncan Smith | juxtaposed
Oh, Iain Duncan Smith,
Poor you,
Being bullied by “spin, smears and threats”
Aw, boo hooDistressed by gratuitous scaremongering, are we?
Pressed your sensitive button, have they?Has your penchant for the “biblical” been usurped?
Ha! Do you see now, how the irony works?Oh, diddums
Why so weak?
Can’t you cope?
Stiffen those sinews: where there’s Life, there’s hope
Source: Poor Iain Duncan Smith | juxtaposed
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IDS the bully who hates to be bullied scum of the earth disabled murderer hope he gets what coming to him
Perhaps you could also point out that the remain campaign which is project fear are trying to make out the leave campaign is also based on fear when it is really based on optimism that we can once again govern ourselves without the interference of unelected failed foreign politicians in brussels.
No, I couldn’t point that out because it is the exact opposite of my experience.
Could not happen to a nicer person…..justice.
Brexit lets the tories off the hook. Dont support it.
IDS is nothing more then a School yard bully…but he doesn’t like it back!!
I just hope to God that IDS and his ragbag of outers, Rees-Mogg, Farage, Johnson and Patel, lose the referendum. Just imagine him and the ragbag being in government.
They are in government.
I meant in total control of government t the moment they are the right wing morons on the edge.
I didn’t realise that the undead are capable of emotion. . .
IDS should not be bullied. That is mob violence and uncivilised.
What he should be is prosecuted, for the destruction of peoples lives, literally and in their not being able to live, which is the law and justice… and THEN throw away the key… which is fair for his victims and appropriate to his intentions and actions.