The exact same tactics used against Jeremy Corbyn are being used against Donald Trump – alittleecon

Last Updated: March 4, 2016By
Trump: The face Republican Americans want to represent their nation.

Trump: The face Republican Americans want to represent their nation.

Alex Little is correct – and it gives This Writer no joy to state that.

As a supporter of Jeremy Corbyn, I despised the way the right wing Labour grandees tried to trash him in the run-up to his election as leader – and since.

I am not a supporter of Donald Trump. Should I approve of the fact that the same tactics are being used against him? I don’t.

Wrong is wrong. The ends don’t justify the means – at least, not in this case.

If the Republican mainstream can’t field candidates and policies that win public support, then trying to trash the man who has done so is a sign that they lose badly.

And look at the choice of alternatives on offer: Ted Cruz – a man who once demonstrated how to make “machine-gun bacon” in a promotional video – and Mario Rubio – whose most noteworthy campaigning tactic his been his denigration of Trump’s male member.

These are people who genuinely believe they should be in charge of the strongest country on the planet!

No wonder the people of the States are turning to Trump. It’s not the right direction, but considering the hand they’ve been dealt, it’s no wonder they are choosing to put the Joker into play.

If he makes it all the way to the White House, we may all live to regret the fact that the Republican Party could not find a better candidate to stand against him.

So today, the Republican Party wheeled out their defeated 2012 candidate Mitt Romney to denounce Donald Trump. This was the latest in a series of events that are eerily similar to events that took place last summer during the Labour leadership party contest. Romney appeared at an event organised by the Hinckley Institute which seems to me quite similar to the Progress event at which Tony Blair recommended supporters of Jeremy Corbyn should get a ‘heart transplant’.

There are other similarities too. People said Corbyn didn’t really want the job. They said the same about Trump. Those within and outside the Labour Party tried to damn Corbyn with guilt by association. They’ve just tried the exact same thing with Trump. In a desperate last ditch effort to derail Corbyn, third placed candidate Yvette Cooper tried to attack Corbyn. In a desperate last ditch effort to derail Trump, third placed candidate Marco Rubio tried to attack Trump.

Corbyn attracted hundreds of thousands of new supporters to the Labour Party. In America, turnouts in the Republican Primaries have been breaking records.

Source: The exact same tactics used against Jeremy Corbyn are being used against Donald Trump – alittleecon

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  1. hayfords March 4, 2016 at 6:55 am - Reply

    …….It’s not Trump and Corbyn’s fault the bar has fallen so low that the best their parties have to offer is Trump and Corbyn.

    • Mike Sivier March 4, 2016 at 12:46 pm - Reply

      The bar hasn’t fallen in the UK – it is being raised.

  2. Tim March 4, 2016 at 10:30 am - Reply

    Maybe not such a good idea to suggest that Trump (loud-mouthed, privileged, thuggish, right-wing bully-boy with no policies) and Corbyn (quiet, ordinary, gentle, left-wing democrat with confused policies) have any kind of similarly. Personally, I think Trump would be an absolute disaster if elected President, both for America and the world. What kind of America would cheer when the Berlin Wall came down only to applaud when Trump moots building a wall to fence out its peaceful neighbour Mexico from the USA.

    Any tactic to bring this creature down is Ok with me.

    • Mike Sivier March 4, 2016 at 12:45 pm - Reply

      The only similarity is the way they have been treated by what passes for the mainstream in the UK and USA.
      Obviously Trump is far off to one side of politics, and Corbyn is on the other.

  3. Neilth March 4, 2016 at 10:39 am - Reply

    Sorry to keep banging on on various threads about this but…

    In my opinion the media denigration of politics and politicians which has been going on for years coupled with the politicians themselves using language and forms of words that are less than straightforward (see what I did there?) have resulted in a general feeling of disgust towards our politicians.

    This popular view of our political class has been enhanced by the trotters in the trough attitude of some moat cleaning, duck house acquiring etc often quite senior members of the group.

    People in many countries, UK, USA, France, Greece etc are turning to individuals or groups from different ends of the political spectrum who can portray themselves as ‘antipoliticians’ the opposite of a politician. They often ‘tell the truth’ (a Farage claim) while actually repeating ill founded fears of an ill informed section of the electorate. They have no depth of policy other than populist headlines which change from day to day as they are challenged to back up their statements with proof and facts.

    They hijack the debate by uttering sound bites which catch the public attention and play on their prejudices and fears eg Farage’s often repeated claim that 500,000,000 EU citizens could come to the UK. They then accuse their opposition of ‘fear mongering’ for questioning their policies.

    All this reduction of politics to its lowest common denominator is aided and abetted by the popular press who can see an increase in their power and profits by pandering to these populists.

    UKIP, Front Nationale, Trump et al thrive on fear and prejudice but are supported and given credibility through the oxygen of publicity they generate disproportionately to their real influence in the beginning but giving them a chance to grow until they threaten our communities.

  4. ian725 March 4, 2016 at 1:36 pm - Reply

    Well said Mike and I agree with you wholeheartedly in this case. I believe that people in General are Fed up with the old Politics and being bombarded with the same old lies. We can see the Winds of Politics begin to change everywhere.

  5. hayfords March 4, 2016 at 2:43 pm - Reply

    The biggest similarity is that in the end, they are both unelectable.

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