Biased BBC ignores the real issues behind the doctors’ strike
How can a BBC reporter hold his head up high and claim the junior doctors are striking over pay, while standing in front of a woman holding a placard saying “Tired doctors make mistakes”?
If you thought the Corporation’s pitiful coverage of protests against austerity was bad, then you should be as incensed as This Writer at the latest scandal, which is likely to be broadcast on all its news outlets, all day.
For goodness’ sake, BBC: Doctors are striking for SAFETY, not selfishness!
If you still think it’s about pay, read the following:
Perhaps the most pertinent words in all the above are these: “No junior doctor ever asked for a pay rise.”
It speaks volumes about the situation when doctors have to try to stop the government from harming patient safety.
That’s why 7,000 doctors gathered outside Downing Street:
It’s why public opinion remains solidly on the side of the junior doctors (as the BBC reporter glumly admitted on the lunchtime bulletin). Here’s Sue Perkins, who commented during an appearance on Channel 4’s The Last Leg:
Perhaps the BBC would be better-off directing its news reporters to broadcast the real reason doctors are having to strike – the disastrous misdirection of the NHS under Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt.
All of his actions so far have been intended to produce one result – a result he described in his book Direct Democracy, all the way back in 2005:
That is what the junior doctors’ strike is all about.
Isn’t it time the BBC got the picture?
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they work it out one day when the staff at the bbc get the murdock sack
Sadly the BBC are the Tories little lap dogs, I have stopped listening to their diatribe just an extension of Tory B**********t.
Same during the miners strike under thatcher, again the BBC masked the truth and showed only what they wanted to show.
I guess the Cons will not be happy until the whole lot has gone to the dogs and their privatisation plans are all in place.
I really don’t think that the bbc’s misrepresentation of the Junior Doctors crisis is a mistake. I have said for a long time that the bbc bias is not just hypocrisy but shows a deliberate tactic to evade the truth on matters that the Tories and many Labour Right wingers have a vested interest in. The bbc worldwide is being attacked for it’s propagandist slant and false narratives, from information sites and F/B and twitter, not just here in England but all over the world. I have seen the contempt and loathing people have for the bbc from the US, Canada, Europe, Australia, Vietnam, Syria(mostly but not exclusively F/B and several countries who have access to the bbc world news. The bbc is past it’s sell by date and should be kicked out to make room for alternative world news which is far likelier to be honest and non-biased.
If the publicly-funded, public service broadcaster is removed, it will be replaced by privately-owned broadcasters whose output will be biased in favour of the owner’s interests.
Don’t have any illusions about that!
And don’t ever – EVER – try to tell anybody that such an alternative is likely to be better, honest, or non-biased.
” The bbc is past it’s sell by date and should be kicked out” We don’t need the BBC being kicked out what we desperately need is for this rotten Tory government being kicked out of being able to influence the BBC.
The Tories will not be happy until we are competing with third world economies on third world rates of pay. Now they are talking about scrapping libraries so that the poor can’t get a better education and will not be able to demand higher rates of pay. Talk about dumbing down
Well Said , Chris Kitcher
they would like nothing better than to keep the majority of the population in a state of stupifaction, not questioning anything and bowing down to their superior wisdom. David Penson
The poor including working people are suffering human rights abuses in a grand scale under years of this Conservative Gov ernment it cannot be democracy that they are ensconced for four more years despite this
tories will be closing libraries to make it more difficult for welfare benefit claimants to use computers when claiming universal credit.
all claims are online so they will be closing benefit offices and claimants, foreign students, poor students without PCs, costs for policing and overseeing troubles between claimant and student factions, will all present security issues to be resolved by closing the libraries.
my phrophesy will not be realised if universal credit is not implemented and tories are disbanded forever.
There are several WW 2 based series running at the moment, the parallels of history are uncanny. The worst aspect, is it shows just how powerless the populace becomes to do anything (peaceful) about it until its to late.
I haven’t paid for a tv licence for over 20yrs and I don’t ever intend to!! That is my silent rebellion. I have also refused any implied rights of access to their Crapita goons!!
I haven’t had any letters for 5yrs from tvl
I gave up on the BBC reporting with their incessant attacks on stafford Hospital which they still refer to as scandal hit mid staffs as if the scandal is happening now, well actually it is scandal hit scandal hit by having its services stolen to pay off the pfi debts at stoke scandal hit by the people who used it having now to wait for 12 hours in stoke a/e, and women having babies on the hard shoulder of the M6 but of course that doesn’t fit its government supporting stance to report these things.
Perhaps it would be best for MI5 (under the control of the corporate-City boardrooms and Whitehall’s senior civil servants) to stop “handling” senior BBC journalists, who are bribed with a six-figure salary, vast expense account and a Cotswolds cottage, even a Tuscan villa—if they are a Paxman, Dimbleby or Wark!