This lie shows how much the Conservatives care for Wales
Alun Cairns: His mealy-mouthed apology cannot hide the contempt in which Stephen Crabb clearly holds Wales and its people.
Can there be any doubt that Alun Cairns was told to lie about Stephen Crabb’s absence from the St David’s Day debate in Parliament?
He was at lunch with Bexley Conservative Ladies – elsewhere in London – when he should have been fulfilling his Parliamentary duties.
That demonstrates the amount of respect the Secretary of State for Wales has for his office and the people it represents.
The Conservatives are campaigning hard to win seats in the National Assembly for Wales at the election in May.
Can there be any doubt at all that, if elected, they will behave in a similar cavalier fashion?
Wales Office Minister Alun Cairns has apologised to MPs if he “inadvertently” misled them about the reason the Welsh secretary missed their St David’s Day debate.
Source: Minister’s apology over St David’s Day debate – BBC News
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Yet another career politician who doesn’t give a sh*t about constituents just about where he can make the most impact for his own career. In fact this could be said about most politicians on the right of any party.
Sounds like a Welsh “Fluffy” Mundell. Party before country.
You’d know all about that!
Dig taken but you couldn’t be more wrong. It is possible to think of both.
It’s possible but hasn’t happened north of the border recently.
Well at least he was not in a hotel room with a few Tory Gals’ he was actually doing his duty.
His duty was to be in the Commons for the debate so, no, he wasn’t doing his duty.
Exactly Mike his duty was to his constituents and not to be chatting up a bunch of blue rinse Tory tarts.
welsh people should ensure these tory vermin are asked for their resignations from the welsh Assembly pronto.
what other deceitful occurrences are attributable to these tories. Parry – Jones the tory responsible for incompetence and possible corruption whilst he headed Pembrokeshire Council?????