Is this the price of speaking up? Cameron’s cuts mean his mum has lost her job
Prime Minister David Cameron and his mother Mary, who will lose her job because of brutal Tory cuts [Image: PA].
There has been a huge fuss over the threat to public services in Oxfordshire, location of David Cameron’s Witney constituency – much of it due to the involvement of the prime minister’s own mother, Mary.
She was involved because she works in a threatened children’s centre.
As a result of her protests and those of others including Cameron’s aunt, he magicked up a £300 million “relief fund” for Tory counties.
How unfortunate for Cameron and his Tories that his mother’s centre is in Berkshire, and is being closed anyway.
She won’t lose any money because she was a volunteer.
But it is hugely symbolic that the people she helped will suffer because of his cuts – despite him breaking all his own rules to prevent it.
The children’s centre where David Cameron’s mum works is being shut by the Tories.
The closure of the centre where Mary Cameron works is a bitter blow in her battle to stop her heartless son’s Tory cronies axing the vital free services.
And the volunteer told of her disappointment at the cruel decision that will leave hard-up families having to pay for the session and workers out of a job.
The local Tory council confirmed Chieveley and Area Children’s Centre in Berkshire will shut at the end of the month.
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Home Goal
I should think Mrs Cameron snr is as unpleasant as her son, but as has already been said, nice to see the publicity coming from this “own goal”.
she should keep away from him he destroyed Stafford hospital when we didn’t elect him to what was considered a safe tory seat, choosing a local solicitor standing for labour instead, which is why he is now mp in Witney. Heaven knows what retribution he may take against her.
tory voters should be thinking who is next where will the axe fall next? their jobs, their childs education or job. their grandmas health or funeral costs??? their mortage maybe etc.
the beast is returning and you stupid tory voters will feel like turkeys and Camerons mum’s friends. christmas is coming where will the axe fall next.