Osborne is pretending budget cuts are necessary; he’ll give tax cuts to the rich
How interesting that George Osborne is pretending budget cuts are necessary when we already know he is planning to rob the disabled of benefit money in order to give a big tax cut to the rich.
Labour’s John McDonnell is running rings around him right now.
Chancellor George Osborne has warned the country has to “act now rather than pay later” ahead of this week’s Budget.
Writing in the Sun on Sunday, Mr Osborne says he will have to make new cuts to public spending “so the country lives within its means”.
The world was “facing its most uncertain period since the Great Recession”, he wrote.
He said his 16 March Budget “will set out the clear direction we must hold to through the current uncertainty”.
Source: Budget 2016: George Osborne warns of cuts – BBC News
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This whole nasty austerity policy is purely and simply a way of further enriching the already extremely wealthy.
Nothing less than a Hitler wannabe, why are we sitting back and taking this? Our sick and disabled are being bumped off and we do nothing? This evil needs to be stopped.
any reversal of policy is self serving to distract from more draconian policies.
Osborne couldn’t get 1+1 to equal 2
Lies and more lies surely the electorate can see right through him by now, bare faced liar of the highest order. They are pushing and pushing and there is not much room left for them to go much further. They have created a black cloud over the whole country.
Writing in the News of the World, Mr Osborne says he will have to make new cuts to public spending “so the country lives within its means”. You mean written by one of his civil servants. I doubt Gidiot has the intelligence write anything.
funny how this so called black hole in the finances has suddenly appeared 3 or 4 months into the bombing of Syria. Hmm ?
“Chancellor George Osborne has warned the country has to “act now rather than pay later” ahead of this week’s Budget.
(We’ve been “acting” for five years George, that lines running a bit tired.)
Writing in the Sun on Sunday, Mr Osborne says he will have to make new cuts to public spending “so the country lives within its means”.
(Too many of us, George, some twenty million, do not have “the means” and won’t under austerity.)
The world was “facing its most uncertain period since the Great Recession”, he wrote.
(And you, George. have put us in a perilous situation if the expected economic/fiscal calamity hits)
He said his 16 March Budget “will set out the clear direction we must hold to through the current uncertainty”.”
(How many people far above your limited vision, George, have been telling you we are headed in the WRONG direction? The government has had five years of the best opportunity to invest while interest rates are low and wasted that opportunity.)
There are thousands who have been “paying later” for decades… Bankers, inter’l corps, non-doms, high earners, tax avoiders, MPs fiddling their expences, etc., etc., etc., but GO has never got around to “acting” on them.
If the Worlds economy is in such a bad state, doesn’t that suggest that, for the last 30 years world leaders have been following a badly flawed economic plan?
Pity we can’t find a way to act NOW rather than later and get rid of him before he does any more damage.
Make the poor poorly. Sell off more public assets. Make the Tories friends richer.
The ‘uncertainty’ was launched in 2010 ad has continued ever since. It’s a cover-up for theft from the public purse and incompetence from osbo himself.