InFacts Only 100 days to kill EU myths – InFacts
Here’s an interesting website for you – IN Facts. It seems to be a site aimed at debunking myths put about by the ‘Leave’ camp in the EU referendum campaign.
There are just 100 days to go until the UK votes on whether it wants to remain in the EU or leave it – and 100 days to stamp out the myths being propagated by the Leave camp. Here are 19 (there are many more) ranging from the serious to the laughable.
- UK sends £55 million a day to Brussels
- EU needs us more than we need it
- Over half of UK laws come from EU
- Terrorist sleeper agents will come to UK because we’re in EU
- EU restricts our ability to deport people who are a threat to security
- We can trade freely with EU without accepting free movement
- Britain will be dragged “willy-nilly”into European superstate
- UK is dictated to by Brussels
- EU wants Turkey to become a member in five years
- EU produces 2,500 new regulations each year
- UK is represented in Brussels by “one twenty-eighth of a eurocrat”
- Scrapping EU agricultural policy would “cut food bills by up to 17%”
- EU plans to tax e-cigarettes 57% on top of VAT
- EU is to ban custard creams
- EU won’t let you recycle a teabag
- EU won’t allow children under eight to blow up balloons
- EU is plotting to introduce taxes on emptying dustbins
- EU prevents us re-using empty egg boxes
- EU dictates distance houses must be from heaths to stop cats chasing birds
Source: InFacts Only 100 days to kill EU myths – InFacts
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EU out
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Dictator in
Havent seen anyone broach the fact that the ‘EU law’ that they seem to object to was actually designed and written by our own CIVIL SERVICE. so that it complied witht the wishes of EU directives. i.e. one A four page Became the H and S laws that protects workers. in other words it was homegrown as with the rest of it! I vote we stay in. I dont trust tories with HR particularly Hunt and IDS.