The NHS mental health hospital closed with just five days’ warning
The closure of York’s only public adult mental health hospital with just five days’ warning could put lives at risk and should be subject to both an independent inquiry and a judicial review, according to a local MP and lawyers representing patients.
Bootham Park hospital was closed suddenly in October last year after a critical report by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), the hospital regulator, forcing 30 inpatients to be discharged or relocated and affecting 400 outpatients.
Rachael Maskell, Labour MP for York Central, said patients had been badly let down by the health service and that Jeremy Hunt, the secretary of state for health, had failed to address a crisis in which vulnerable mental health patients had been left for months without local services.
Source: The NHS mental health hospital closed with just five days’ warning | Society | The Guardian
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Yeah, the tories really care about mental health don’t they!
This is exactly what the 2012 Health Act promised – there is no longer an NHS, and there is no longer any duty of care to the people by the govt. We said so then, we say so now. The MSM are just roll, roll, rolling along.
Hardly enough time to find acceptable accommodation for 30 patients but it looks like it had been run down if that was the amount still there. Most of this type of establishment have been long gone and the grounds sold off to build houses on.
yup just another cull by the predators……yeah they lie a lot about caring for mental health this feels like adding petrol to the fire rather than water….I feel that a few inmates may already be residing in parliament..