We can stop this renewed attack on disabled people | Owen Jones
‘Consider the multitude of raids on the living standards of disabled people over the past few years.’ A woman protests against the bedroom tax in London, February 2016 [Image: Ben Pruchnie/Getty Images].
The government believes the vulnerable have to subsidise the strong. Labour must force a climbdown
The discomforting truth is that the government is indeed paying for tax cuts for the rich and for its own economic failures through money stripped away from disabled people. And it believes it can get away with this with minimal repercussions. One of its hopes is that disabled people will simply be invisible. They are more atomised than, say, an organised workforce. Their mobility may be limited, and they may lack money, making it difficult to travel to, say, London to protest.
There are striking exceptions. Disabled People Against Cuts, for example, has staged determined, militant demonstrations against government attacks. Disabled activists have often used the world of social media effectively too.
But Labour must surely make this latest attack on disabled people a political priority. There are reports that even some Tory backbenchers are refusing to accept this latest attack – many of them have to meet disabled people in their surgeries, after all – and we often forget that the Conservatives have a small majority.
That some Tory MPs are jittery may reflect weakening public acceptance of cuts hitting disabled people. Labour needs to lead a public offensive with the aim of maximising a Tory rebellion, focusing on examples of individuals affected by these cuts: people relate better to stories, rather than statistics. The government was forced to partially climb down on cuts to tax credits. Our democracy has to prove that the rights of sick and disabled people matter: let another government retreat be the evidence.
Source: We can stop this renewed attack on disabled people | Owen Jones | Opinion | The Guardian
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Labour must do more than make disabled people a political priority. If these cuts aren’t reversed, Labour must commit to litigation.
there is a natural balance which is achieved by riots, and rebellion.
the UK is getting nearer to this and it will erupt.
Barack Obama is a great man throughout his presidency he has never maligned the sick or disabled he has never even mentioned them as he knows only full well there are those in the USA who wont them dead along with all free health
So are these tories that are “revolting” the same ones that had no problem whatsoever voting through a £30 cut just a week ago? Their revolt has nothing about recognising the sickness of the action but the fact that they haven’t been able to just get away with it, let’s hope Labour highlights the hypocrisy.
I know Corbyn wants to talk politics and not bring it to an individual level but there really does need to be spotlights shone on the rank hypocrisy of these people.
Unfortunately David Davies was correct when he said British people were intellectually lazy, to hope that they will join up the dots by themselves is maybe hoping for too much and could be an opportunity lost for Labour.
these tactics stink of the basic tory philosophy. conserve our profit, our bank balances, and our manipulation of power at all costs.
these costs are paid by the disabled, poor, homeless, and idiotic tory voters.
idiotic tory voters/ supporters are amongst all the groups mentioned. use your vote to vote for those who oppose the tory values or you will all live with the bitter regrets comparable to those who voted hitler into power.
hmm while they cull the stock through benefits denial the bishops who are there to protect their flock bleat out about their attacks on the tories saying one should have a small family oh that got a few to point at the government but not the benefit denial of those losing their lives through it it seems the bishops are supping with old nick while their aktion t4 rolls ahead jeff3
What kind of people let jimmy saville abuse children for over 30 years and does nothing about it except help him?
What kind of people let this monster have the keys and a room at the countries top psychiatric prison?
What kind of people would cover up the crimes of this man and his cohorts?
What kind of company board members allowed saville employment and helped protect his criminal activities for the entirety of his employment with them?
What kind of politician covers up for saville and his cohorts who are still alive and abusing children with the full protection or our representatives IN PARLIAMENT?
What kind of person would change criminal laws to protect people thieving from the banks?
what kind of people make the victims of robbery replace the money stolen from their own accounts then let the bankers use that money to bail out their banks by giving it back to the people as LOANS to pay for the massive banking debts?
What kind of people force poverty hunger and death on to their own people to keep these thieving bankers out and free to rob us all again?
What kind of people forces mentally ill people into an emotional darkness where the only option is suicide?
It’s precisely because they are so often in isolation because of mobility, illness and funds, that they are such easy targets. It’s why the public are happy to accept their subjugation to a less than equitable existence while the wealthy grow in wealth with complete impunity from criticism.