Will there be a Tory backbench rebellion over disability benefit cuts?
Tory backbenchers are concerned about cuts to disability benefits. [Image: Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire/PA Images]
The letter was sent the day before the Budget, but a source has told me that many Conservative MPs are even more concerned now that the contents of the Chancellor’s red box have been delivered.
One MP said the Chancellor should have raised fuel duty rather than cutting disability benefits, with concerns about how the narrative plays out to voters.
Conservative backbenchers are convinced that they could get far more than 20 signatures if they canvassed support against the measure today.
Labour say around a third of George Osborne’s savings will come from cutting benefits to disabled people, although the Chancellor insists the overall funding will actually rise.
It seems a backbench rebellion, similar to the one over working tax credits last year, could be brewing for the Chancellor.
Source: Government facing rebellion over disability cuts – ITV News
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I seriously doubt it, they will back Osborne on this one!
I sincerely believe that there are many Tory MPs who consider Osborne has gone too far this time and, in their own interests, they should make certain that he does not get away with it.
That sounds rather harsh as I know of quite a few decent Tories who are unhappy with the current incumbent.
if there was a tory rebellion its driven by self interest. didnt the tories vote for ESA cuts ???
Lets hope this is the beginning of the end for the tories; it falls to Labour now to keep up the pressure and point out to the general public that the Capital Gains Tax threshold increase only really benefits the better off and has been funded by cuts to disability benefits.
It is interesting that when all the cuts to disability, in work out of work benefits and pensions are added up, given the enormous suffering and hunger and poverty, death and despair, that they amount in total a very small amount., relative to the economy and the budgets as a whole. According the the Slog, they indeed represent just 2% of the total British Debt. Within the margins of error, indeed. In the greater scheme of things, not really needed at all, in fact Useless, in fact, in the greater scheme of the economy being hollowed out.
It’s almost as if the MSM and the people in the UK are unable to actually cope with the suffering unleashed, and instead have moved to some false-memory collective space where is was in some way essential, the country would collapse if the sick and vulnerable were not starved. The UK is now a sick country.
I must say, that while not unprecedented, such back bench rebellion is of no significance. This is a selfish attitude to the hard work George has put into the budget. While I can not wholly agree with the level of welfare cuts, they are necessary to bring the economy into line with spending. How else are we to apply incentive’s to commerce, the money has to come from somewhere. A little less support to those that realize our objectives is a small price for the promised outcome. David, I am sure, will work hard and restore order to do what is right, even if this means a re-shuffle to restore public confidence. As for rumor’s, the party is in no danger of back bench revolt, because at heart, they understand their priorities.
Unfortunately it seems you have misconstrued and the Tory Party is now deeply divided. The cuts you say are necessary are being discarded and there seems to be no back-up plan to replace it – and after all those years Labour said they should adopt ‘Plan B’!
You stupid man. With the tax cuts and give aways that idiot Osbourn is proposing does it never cross your tiny mind that we do not need austerity as there is a surplus of money in the economy if only it was to be shared in a more equitable manner. Camoron is a complete fool and whilst we have his like in government we will continue the race to the bottom for most people in the UK
labour should go hell for leather on this while the opportunity is there,and couple it with the sanctions of the DWP that are killing people or driving them to suicide
“One MP said the Chancellor should have raised fuel duty rather than cutting disability benefits, with concerns about how the narrative plays out to voters.”
That says it all really. They don’t care about the disabled; only that they may lose votes. If they really cared, they would have voted against the original cuts in the first place.
Lets all hope a few more back bench Tories grow a conscience, though I very much doubt it. They all have the same genes sadly like a rancid disease.
Not a chance twots like my MP will toe the party line whatever horrors they want to inflict on the poor and vulnerable.
Received acouncil tax bill that takes account of the £30 aaaaand aslo a reduction in DLA benefit. Didnt receive this info from DWP so my bet is THIS abomination will not change at all.
After the public’s out cry on Osborne’s failures about the serious debt that this country is still in and this governments agenda to look after the rich corporates!! then there really should be no brainer that Osborne needs to step down and resign now!!
Won’t make any difference, even if the announced changes do get reversed, the damage has already been done.
I have never known a society as selfish.
The government must be over the moon.
I think maybe the message is getting through, and they are trying desperately to avoid standing in the dock alongside the cabinet when the reckoning comes.
With luck, the UN investigation into grave and systematic abuse of people on grounds of disability will soon result in the International Arrest Warrants that will bring this regime down, and hopefully put it’s leaders in jail where they belong. Delaying that is simply adding to the death toll.
The senior thugs like IDS are busy trying to hide the evidence (because they know it’s absolutely damning), while the backbenchers are trying to flee the sinking ship.
Gideon is simply too thick to realise and is bashing on “just following orders”.
We should all press for this if only to expose what a callous bunch of b*****ds are running the country at the present time. These murdering sods need to face international justice and be condemned in high profile courts for their blatant disregard of basic human righst and I include IDS as a major player in this genocide.
There will be NO Tory rebellion, they know, as you do, that we are Flat Bust, as is the EU and the USA, all we can do is Payoff on Bonds and Loans, as Der City keeps issuing them, to sustain Zombie Banksters and Corporations, even the USA has to swindle its Pensioners.
What HR 1314 Means For Your Retirement
Congress has hidden, in a seemingly innocent piece of legislation labeled H.R. 1314, a radical reform that threatens the financial security of as many as 21.3 million Americans.
This legislation has already passed the House of Representatives and Senate with overwhelming majorities, and President Obama has signed it into law.
It goes into effect on May 1, 2016.And most of these Americans will be completely blindsided by what’s coming, because instead of holding a public debate, Congress stuck these changes into an emergency bill.
We’re not “flat bust” at all!
I do wish you wouldn’t keep trying to fill people’s heads with nonsense, John.
Try digging out some facts.
I thought he was referring to one Messes Beckham, sorry, I’ll try and keep up.
the issues are linked in simple terms with a pisitive political environment. this has to be achievable when taxes are paid by corporations, MP salaries are evalusted and their time in office and powers are considerably reduced.