Sign the open letter to Chuka Umunna and his team | NEWTEKWORLDNEWS
When you read a post in the Guardian on budget day in the UK, Wednesday, titled “Labour backbenchers form high-profile group to respond to budget” you have to go to the heart of the story to try to find out what is going on.
Jeremy Corbyn was elected leader of the Labour Party in September 2015 and has faced a barrage of attacks from within Labour, the Tories and the mainstream media so Mr Umunna what’s with the latest piece posted as news at the Guardian?
Is it news, spin, real or fantasy?
According to the Guardian report an “Alliance of MPs including Chuka Umunna and Chris Leslie was formed to ‘give proper scrutiny to the government’” which could be fine if the team was formed with the approval of Mr Corbyn and his shadow cabinet; if it was not why are MPs behaving in such a derisory manner?
Having managed to stuff the PLP with politicians to the right of the party the Bitterites are now intent on doing the same to the NEC so that they can undermine Mr Corbyn further and tear the Labour Party apart.
Their protestations that they are doing it for the right reasons have no credibility; the road to Hell is after all paved with good intentions.
In July 2015 following the General Election the Daily Mirror report “Chuka Umunna: Labour ‘behaving like a petulant child’ after Election defeat” was aptly titled but isn’t that what you and your ‘team’ are doing now?
Read the full letter – and add your signature if you like – at: Open letter to Chuka Umunna and his team – NEWTEKWORLDNEWS
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ok where do i sign
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J.Corbyn cannot use “democracy” to stay in office(“The Office of the Leader of Her Majesty’s Official Opposition”) with all the perks! If he is incompetent he has to go(just like any other worker in Britain!!!). Labour voters are suffering.
What do you mean, if Corbyn is incompetent? He’s doing a terrific job!
He has to go.
I am so aick of pictures of ‘politicians’ with their mouths open and flapping thetr lips,
Do they never use their ears. Arrogance does not become them when their ignorance is showing.
Msny thanks Mike
its a prerequisite of right wing politicans to be non- principled and deceptive. Tories and Blairites are one and the same. dont vote for these as are all corrupt and self interest is foremost in their priorities. this warning applies to tory and opposition voters.
I finally bit the bullet yesterday and joined Labour, first time I’ve ever belonged to any political party. I shan’t remain a member if the likes of ‘The Petulant Child’ get their way
vain careerist waster.
A closet tory who, like his closet tory mates, should get the hell out of the Labour party!