Iain Duncan Smith quit because he wasn’t allowed to kill pensioners – claim
Okay, it might not have been framed in quite the way expressed in the headline above, but that’s what the latest claims about Iain Duncan Smith’s resignation seem to be saying.
The allegation is that he was unhappy that the Conservative Government was continually targeting its cuts on working-age benefits, and wanted pensioners to take some of the pain as well, contrary to a directive from prime minister David Cameron that senior citizens’ benefits are not to be touched.
He would have taken away universal pensioner benefits like free bus passes, together with the winter fuel allowance and cold weather payments.
The effect of these cuts would have been a large increase in pensioner deaths – as predicted by the Taxpayers’ Alliance when that organisation suggested such cuts, only a few months ago.
An article in the Daily Telegraph at the time said the TPA had suggested the government could cut pensioner benefits now because they might “not be around” at the 2020 general election.
“The group, which seeks to cut the bill taxpayers are faced with, also hinted that some pensioners might forget about the cuts when they go to the ballot box in more than four years time,” the paper added.
But IDS has been saying the same for years.
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only the lowest of the low would attack a pensioner or the sick and disabled irrespective of their wealth
this is a mind set from a young age you either care about pensioners and the sick and disabled or you don’t there are no half measures
Shared on 61chrissterry
Well apparently Camoron can’t understand why IDS would say such a thing because they are according to the well known liar cameron putting more money into helping the sick disabled and unemployed. Do you think gideon Osbourne has been telling him porkies ?
remember the bus pass it wont exist for pensioners if tories are elected in 2020. kill the party before it kills your relative. you have been warned
Don’t know if you’ve seen this Mike:
Barack Obama says David Cameron allowed Libya to become a ‘s*** show’
In some small way you have to feel sorry for Cameroon, who thought he’d gone up in the world, rubbing shoulders with the likes of Obama. Totally out of his league, it must be a dark place under the foot of the US President.
Describing Cameroon as a “Free Rider” and Britain’s role in Libya as “Cameron allowed Libya to become a S**t show” probably won’t go down well with the dapper Oxbridge lackey who spends more on one of his ensembles than several million people have to live on in a year. Cameroon’s sort have very delicate egos.
I wonder if Ian Dodger Smith has a wounded ego?
That’s odd. My state pension has dropped twice, mainly through the pension credit element. Not only that my housing help has decreased to the level that I have effectively lost out rather heavily.
Do none of the numpties at the Taxpayers Alliance (who are probably actually even more loathsome than the Tories) not realise that the very pensioners that they want to kill off were the people that funded their education and health care?
If we are going to kill off any section of our society then I vote the Taxpayers Alliance go first!
I was appalled when I read these statements from the TPA, I used to have their website on a google alert, since deleted since reading this garbage.