Life imitating Bart? ‘President Trump’ episode of The Simpsons near to becoming reality
It was intended, according to its creator, as a “warning to America”, a horrifying and fantastical vision of the future in which the US – ludicrously – had elected as its president Donald Trump.
But with the property billionaire now the favourite to gain the Republican nomination for the presidency, the episode of The Simpsons that in 2000 foresaw such a laughable outcome has begun looking unnervingly prescient.
A possible future Trump presidency, said the episode’s writer Dan Greaney, “just seemed like the logical last stop before hitting bottom. It was pitched because it was consistent with the vision of America going insane”.
Bart to the Future first aired 16 years ago today (March 19).
Its prophecy of a post-President Trump future can only be described as chilling.
Source: Simpsons writer says President Trump episode was ‘warning to US’ | Television & radio | The Guardian
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Trump is using money and buying power. Clinton is doing the same although she is more aware and probably intellectually superior to Trump.
American voters have a choice of two evils.