Nadine Dorries slams Iain Duncan Smith for begging her to vote for disability cuts before resigning | Mirror Online
Nadine Dorries lashed out at Iain Duncan Smith tonight for claiming to have resigned on a point of principle, just days after begging her to vote for cuts to disability benefits.
The outspoken backbencher took to Twitter just minutes after the former welfare-slasher sensationally quit from his role as Work and Pensions Secretary.
She wrote: “Stunned at IDS resignation letter. I was about to vote against ESA cuts when he sought me out – he personally and angrily begged me not to.
“Promised me he was introducing a white paper which guaranteed enhanced and more easily accessible benefits for the seriously disabled.
“Told me he was angry I was rebelling because it was his bill and reflected on him and now he resigns bcse disability cuts a step too far.
“Said the paper would include automatic enhanced benefit qualification for a long list of disabilities including AIDS, MS, RA, MND etc.
“I am angry that he made me vote for something I did not want to vote for, bribing me with a promise and now HE resigns.”
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The nasties are at each others throats.
Rats leaving a sinking cesspit.
No one can make another vote for something they don’t want, one vote one person, there are too many excuses for repressing the sick and disabled. I’m wondering how the voting will go when the next polling day is due.
Crabb is the new DWP minister he is morally bankrup dishonest, is a tory yes man and shame to admit hes welsh.
shame on all you welsh tories. dont you know about Bryn Parry – Jones ???, ask Crabb.
nobody made Nadine Dorries vote for cuts,she has a mind of her own hasn’t she.
she’s just making excuses for her own selfish behaviour.
This man is sicker than I imagined, determined to leave a trail of destruction in his wake, who does that remind you off!
I don’t quite know why she is angry. A gullible eejit taken in by an inveterate liar. That’s if she really was going to vote against the cuts, which I doubt very much.
You should not have been so easily bribed nadine , your credability is now gone .What else have you been bribed with in your political career ,so much for standing by your convictions????
Well that puts her in a good light, not!
So basically she was bribed, and accepted the bribe, to not vote against the cuts.
Good to see she’s such a person of high standing moral principle and fortitude. /snark
I guess that’s the problem with the herd instinct as opposed to having integrity and voting for what is really right in this world. What a poor admission of guilt after the event. At least it shows Dunky Smits true colours behind the scenes..
I’ll not comment on the veracity of Nadine Dorries’ Twitter post. However, that the Conservative party is entering into internal dispute over cuts to disability cuts and its own Chancellors inequity could mark a major turning point; well let’s hope so. Myself and Mrs Shaun can’t take much more of these relentless cuts.
It says a lot about the Tory party when a backbench MP claims she was “made” to vote for something she didn’t believe in by IDS because he “bribed” her with promises. Obviously, it must be OK to vote against your conscience if your offered the right incentive. Bit naive of her to believe anything IDS says anyway, I’d check my watch if he wished me good morning.
Well we all know he’s a vile excuse for a man…let’s see he lands a job with Boris next?
yes cleaning toilets as part of their community service. freezing tory bank accounts pending an investigation into their financial dealings should be done as soon as dissolution of Parliament occurs including speaker john bercow
BRIBED!!!!! ??????? is that legal while serving in parliment under oath ????
Is Duncan Smith a hypocrite? Or is he just trying to gain a bit more respectability/credibility for the Brexit campaign by posing as a man of principle.
The self styled Quiet Man resigned rather noisily.
Cynical Tory manipulation at its worst. It’s almost traditional for the Conservative party to contain the most arrogant, self centred toerags around. But this current bunch include many that are so far beyond despicable that isn’t a word to describe them.