Don’t believe Duncan Smith on reasons for resigning, says shadow disabilities minister
The BBC’s Sunday Politics programme has received a rap on the (metaphorical) knuckles from shadow disabilities minister Debbie Abrahams over its coverage of Iain Duncan Smith’s resignation.
Ms Abrahams said Duncan Smith’s claim that he did not support Conservative Government policies – policies that he had happily pushed through Parliament and promoted, in the face of strong evidence against them – did not stand up to scrutiny, she said.
On Twitter, she said Sunday Politics should not “make statements as fact which can’t be backed up. Just because IDS gave his reasons for resigning doesn’t mean they’re true.”
She added:
The Freedom of Information request to which she refers in the statement was submitted by This Writer, so I can provide evidence to support Ms Abraham’s assertion.
Meanwhile, Tom Pride, of the blog Pride’s Purge, has helpfully supplied information on Duncan Smith’s Parliamentary voting record, to help us judge whether he supported Tory policies or not:
That information seems conclusive to This Writer.
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Just another Con man who cannot stop lying…..even publically and openly.
Duncan Smith is an inveterate and proven liar. I dare say that in due course this man’s real reasons for resigning will become clear.
Dangerous Duncan. Iain Duncan Smith is the arch villain. This is where Iain Duncan Smith weaves his evil plot to move his media personality puppet Boris into front line to capture the EU out votes, Cameron resigns, Duncan Smith in control. Game over.
yes it is the cuts, his cuts , thats why he’s jumping ship. How despicable that he’s now trying to pass it off to Osborne.he hasnt fooled anyone. he cant shake off his crimes. they will stick to him where ever he goes. he will still have to pay back.Yes , this is the architect of cuts, he didn’t resign when people were dying on dead end street. This is EU. Don’t forget he’s the one who is going to scrap the Human Rights Act. I suppose when he’s done that he’ll blame it on someone else. By the way, he’s resigned, what’s that mean , no job no wages. No he is still a fatcat MP, after taking away vulnerable peoples lifelines.
The man is an inveterate liar. The reason he is so good at it is because he is a psychopath and has an innate ability to lie along with no compassion, no empathy, and a well overblown sense of self importance.
Does he forget that he was filmed laughing his head off at the plight of a rape victim being forced into paying the bedroom tax on the room that the police/local authority had kitted out as a panic room for her. Or the many other times he laughed when what his policies were doing was shown to be killing people, causing suicides. How about the fact that he spouted that people were using food banks so they could spend their benefits on drink and drugs. The man is a Jeremy Rhyming Slang and rather than standing there like a pious poor down trodden victim of his parties policies he should be standing in front of a Human Rights court on charges of corporate manslaughter!
yes he is dangerous but remember the labour party also voted for the bedroom tax or abstained in many of the votes for cutting benefits so i personally think they are just as bad, don’t let them of the hook just cause IDS IS ON ONE.
No, Labour did not vote for the Bedroom Tax.
We have been over this, time and time again.
Who is telling you this lie?
I think that all this attention to I D S will divert Flak from Osborne & Co.
all IDS has left behind is a whole load of deaths of sick and disabled people and help forums/blogs to deal with all of the thousands of desperate people seeking benefit help and advice
a right old mess if ever there was one and not a word of thanks to any of the many administrators of the blogs/forums thanking them for their tireless work in the support of the sick and disabled in their desperate times
He is a evil person and I don’t believe his lies for a minute
Makes me wonder if he’s been promised a new job if or when Boris becomes leader.
whatever his reason to resign, or be pushed, he has at least brought to light the awful manner in which the most vulnerable are being attacked, whether he meant to or not. He is still a self serving tory nothing will change that.
i wouldn’t believe any of them if they told me the world was round,they’re all just a bunch of lying toss pots.
I have a notion for the inner agenda of all the DWP and why Crabb a proven liar was chosen to replace Duncan smith
IDS resigned as he fears charges under the human rights Acts of unlawful killing depriving claimants the right to life. Foi info will provide evidence.
he is still protected by the dual justice systemic procedures of police arrest and parliamentary privilege.
he wants out of the EU so that charges issued wont be tried in UK courts.
Crabb accepted the poisoned chalice of the DWP as noone wanted to do this. cameron has similar fears to Duncan smith and doesnt want his legacy to be the division of the UK.he was aware of IDS resignstion and crabb as replacement at DWP was arranged during Cameron’s recent visit to wales. Crabb’s replacement Alun Cairns was arranged during same visit. Crabb lied to the welsh assembly as to his whereabouts on St David’s day to avoid participating or making empty promises he couldnt see through.
Crabb has skewed ill- informed views about gay people and lacks integrity.
he is not popular in wales and is supportive of such tory policies as the bedroom tax.
hes fearful of returning to haverfordwest and wants to escape from his background. he is not a working class man despite being brought up on a council estate.Although he derived benefits from council housing and welfare benefits he wants to deny same to future generations. has no individuality or managerial skills.