David Cameron is ‘cheating the NHS out of £90BILLION’ as lack of cash leaves hospitals in the red

Last Updated: March 23, 2016By


Nobody should be surprised by this – it explains Jeremy Hunt’s behaviour very clearly:

David Cameron is cheating the NHS out of more than £90billion, explosive new figures reveal.

That would have been almost enough to keep the Health Service going for an entire year

The PM has promised the NHS year-on-year rises but Labour would have given far more if it had won the 2015 election.

Lack of cash has led to Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt haggling with junior doctors over pay and hospitals £2.3billion in the red.

Now Commons Library figures show the NHS £5billion down on Labour plans last year.

And that will increase to nearly £20billion a year by 2020.

Source: David Cameron is ‘cheating the NHS out of £90BILLION’ as lack of cash leaves hospitals in the red – Mirror Online

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  1. jeffrey davies March 23, 2016 at 10:18 am - Reply

    atos crapita serco virgin h they all waiting in the wings for that day of sale of the century

  2. jeffrey davies March 23, 2016 at 10:19 am - Reply

    ps unum will sell you that policy that be renegated on

  3. Barry Davies March 23, 2016 at 10:57 am - Reply

    Well they have to make it fail so that they can pretend the private sector wearing white stetsons will ride in to save it at the last minute, whereas the truth is they will kill it stone dead a bit like the outcome for the poor and disabled following this “rescue”.

  4. mohandeer March 23, 2016 at 12:09 pm - Reply

    In May 2015 Labour promised to invest a further £8 billion in the NHS and then Tory came back at them promising they would spend an extra £8 billion and everyone who voted Tory fell for the lie. Tory in fact put in only £1.5 billion extra leaving a shortfall of £6.5 billion. The Tories had every intention of not only reneging on their electoral promises – which they already have, but on dissolving the NHS altogether. Had the country voted for a Labour government that funding would have allowed the NHS to survive. Between now and 2021 you can kiss your free at the point of use NHS goodbye. We need to force the Tories to deliver on their electoral promise or admit they conned the nation (or at least 24% of the voting electorate). Had all those who did not vote known that Tories would NOT keep their promise on the extra £8 billion they might well have voted for Labour. In which case, the Tories won the election on an outright lie.

  5. philipburdekin March 24, 2016 at 11:55 pm - Reply

    Just like the Tory ***holes rip the heart out of anything to do with the sick and disabled.

    • Mike Sivier March 25, 2016 at 4:22 pm - Reply

      Philip, can you stop swearing, please? I’m getting bored of having to edit you.

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