Tory cuts to Border Force leave us defenceless against illegal immigration and smuggling
Cripping staff cuts, imposed first by the Coalition government and now by the Conservatives, mean our borders are not being protected properly [Image: ITV News.]
This is the organisation which tries to protect the UK’s borders from illegal immigration and smuggling – and Theresa May has been systematically weakening it for years.
Now read this:
Andy Burnham has criticised the home secretary for preparing to make “damaging cuts” to the UK’s border force.
The shadow home secretary accused Theresa May of trying to hide budget reductions to the force, which carries out immigration and customs checks.
Burnham said cuts were expected to the force’s budget for the coming financial year, which has not yet been released, and blamed what he called “George Osborne’s botched spending review and budget”.
In a letter to May he said he was “worried that you are about to make a very serious mistake with respect to the resourcing of UK border security”.
Next time anyone complains to you about illegal immigration, tell them to blame Theresa May and the Tories.
They talk tough but leave us defenceless.
Source: Andy Burnham accuses government of hiding border force cuts | UK news | The Guardian
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A vindictive useless cruel bunch of toffs destroying our nation, why oh why can’t we have a vote of no confidence.
Every walk of life has been affected by their ill-thought out reforms.
Police,NHS Doctors, Teachers, schools, mental health, welfare, border controls, fire brigade endless and they have the audacity to sneak out their plans to sell of the registry office hours before the Easter break.
When are the rest of the nation realize what they are doing and wake up and smell the coffee.
If the europhobes have their way then I would expect France to close the jungle in Calais and allow all those there to also leave Europe. We can expect the Dover jungle internment camp to quickly become established though there won’t be a need for border force staff because the government will no doubt put it in the proven hands of G4 to abuse and oppress the inmates.
We won’t be able to deport them to the country they came from cos France will be glad to have moved them on and it will be difficult under international law to deport them to their home countries which are war zones.
I imagine that many super rich Conservatives would be worried about this. Who will protect them and their mansions if we are invaded?
wonder if the staff are poached for G4S.????