MPs say Cameron should ‘resign immediately’ after admitting he trousered profits from offshore fund
Who will be the first MP to shout “Resign!”, next time Cameron slithers into the House of Commons? John Mann? Tim Farron? Tom Watson? Jeremy Corbyn?
At the time of writing, the Daily Mirror‘s online poll is showing public support for Cameron’s immediate resignation at 95 per cent.
MPs have demanded David Cameron’s immediate resignation, after being “less than 100% honest” about profiting from his father’s offshore fund.
The Prime Minister finally cracked tonight after days of dodging questions over whether he had personally profited from his late father Ian’s investment firm, which was based in a tax haven in the Bahamas.
He admitted owning thousands of shares with wife Sam which he flogged for £30,000 just weeks before he became Prime Minister.
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We know that many wealthy(and it is only those with spare cash not the 20 million+ plebeians living in dire straits)squirrel away money that would otherwise go to the exchequer. What is so disgusting about Cameron’s deception is his unmitigated attack against others for doing the same thing and his constant reference to how morally wrong people like him were/are and the repeated pretence that he and his government were going to tackle the issue, when quite obviously there was never any such intention.For these offences, his double standard hypocrisy cannot be forgiven and his position as PM is untenable. He has become a huge embarrassment to the Tory Party and the UK.
David Cameron should of course resign. the main reason is this you need to be completely transparent on the world stage as it’s only then others countries will follow you with trust
i have full transparency and it’s a great feeling to be able to get stuck in on any conversation or topic and keep that topic in a positive light taking a country forward putting it’s people first
you must always as a leader like David Cameron know the full picture as to how your polices ARE taking shape good or bad and not leave it to someone else to do that work
knowing of this blog for example is a must for any leader as it is well attended and well rounded
David Cameron may not know of this blog and that is one of the main reasons he and those like him worldwide will always be a failure
my gut feeling is that he will stand down as he has been caught out and if he doesn’t stand down then the inland revenue will bring him down or even his bank
You have sat too long for any good you have been doing lately. Depart, I say; and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go!
Oliver Cromwell,Address to the Rump Parliament 20th April 1653
April 2016.What we are saying to David Cameron. Go!!!
“MPs have demanded David Cameron’s immediate resignation, after being “less than 100% honest”.
If that was a criteria for MPs these days there would be more than enough seats in the commons for all those left.
Much as I’d like to see him go, especially to see the arrogance fade from his face in a resignation speech, those who weirdly say Corbyn should take over are basically away with the fairies. We would just get a new PM, just like the old PM, and the corruption would continue unabated.
He won’t though, he’ll try to brazen it out like they all do, the only way he’ll go is if we all want him out, the press and other politicians too, is there a petition set up, there should be!
I think there is.
Come on David, do the right thing, emigrate.
Tephlon Dave eh, I knew he would come unstuck one day and he must resign now and leave No/10 and let Labour back in to sort this bloody big mess the TORIES have made of our Britain.
Still find it incredible that we are only talking about £30k…The Camoron has had a problem since his election of being a compusive liar and a total stranger to the truth….which his parliamentary colleagues mirror eagerly. Sooner or later someone will flush out his dirty little financial secrets such that he will have to resign despite his thick pig skin……
We’re not talking about £30k. We’re discussing honesty.
has anyone noted the B LIAR MORE link to the name of the company. ? wonder if Cameron and Blair are in cahoots to con the public and have inadvertently opened a can of worms of which they are destined to lose control??
No, it has to do with the name of the Cameron house in Scotland.
The Next Four Years
From: Iain Duncan Smith
Sent: Saturday, 9 April 2016 22:26
Dear Richard,
Today the Prime Minister launched our local election campaign for councils across England.
And in just a few weeks’ time, millions of people have the chance to help choose the direction of our country for the next four years, working together towards something greater.
Across England, Conservative councils have shown that they can spend taxpayers’ money wisely by delivering more efficient and effective local public services.
The local elections on Thursday 5th May are the opportunity to continue that progress and to go on delivering for millions of people over the next four years.
But we shouldn’t leave it to chance, Richard. If you want a greater Britain, vote Conservative on Thursday 5th May.
Please donate today to help us to deliver four more years of stability and security for Britain.
Thank you for your support.
Greg Clark
Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government
If you are having trouble reading this email, click here to view it in your web browser
If you don’t want to receive any more messages from David Cameron and the Conservatives, click here to unsubscribe
Promoted by Alan Mabbutt on behalf of the Conservative Party, both at 4 Matthew Parker Street, London, SW1H 9HQ
This might seem pretty standard stuff. But its “The Next Four Years” from the villain himself making another sinister move.
So here he is again. He is probably one of the most dangerously insidious items in the world. He should be sent to the Hague for crimes against humanity.
Boris is the Trojan horse (nee donkey) for Ian Duncan Smith. If its UK out of EU , its Boris in, then out steps IDS to cut off everything we’ve got left. Human rights gone.We’ve got to stop him, if we watch him, we’re dead.
Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
That’s what Cameron has said, but what I wonder is the actual truth?