Anti-austerity protesters: ‘Why we want David Cameron to resign’
We spoke to protesters about why they’re taking part and why some of them want David Cameron to resign. Here’s what they said.
‘Cameron has no sense of how people are suffering’ – Cath, Nuneaton
I am marching because I am against austerity. I’m marching for the homeless, people having to use foodbanks, doctors working such long hours, all schools being made academies, bedroom tax, and the way people with illnesses and disabilities are treated by the DWP and their assessors, sanctions making people more vulnerable. There isn’t anything l can think of not to protest against.
Austerity cuts have made it that l still have to work at 65 years old, even though l have poor health. I am also sick to death of the media, newspapers, television news, distorting the news particularly where Jeremy Corbyn and Labour are concerned. I want to make a difference.
I want David Cameron to resign because he has enabled austerity, he has no sense of how people are suffering and if he does that makes it even worse because he condoned it. He has destroyed everything that has been achieved over the decades in just six years.
What message do you want to send to the government?
Do the honourable thing and resign now. We will continue to protest to this end. Enough is enough.
‘Injustice enrages me: I feel I must stand up against it’ – Chris, London
I’m a teacher and my school is in a state of near permanent financial crisis, and suffers deep cuts: all of which is entirely avoidable, and which affects less well off students. Teachers are leaving in droves.
David Cameron should go, but the real enemy is his government and party: he’s just the public relations man at the front of this miserable crew of privatising vampires.
Austerity is a political choice, not an economic necessity. We need to mobilise people against neoliberalism, which is the ideology driving this government.
Everything I like about this country is under threat: the NHS, state schooling, a decent provision for the weakest and most vulnerable, and much more. Injustice enrages me: I feel I must stand up against it.What message do you want to send to the government?
We are going to fight you until we win: we are the real Britain, not you and your 1% tax dodging kleptocracy.
‘We cannot afford to waste any opportunity to challenge the appalling policies of this government’ – Kevin, Plymouth
I work in local government with homeless people. I’ve seen services I’m involved with cut and staff leave. I’ve watched thresholds rise to the point that vulnerable adults and vulnerable young people no longer get help when they need it, stoking up the fires of failure. In the longer term mainstream society will pay dearly for austerity whilst those with money hidden offshore will ride roughshod over all of us.
We cannot afford to waste any opportunity to challenge and expose the appalling policies and record of failure of this government. They control most of the media and have the control of so much wealth they are able to buy their way into people’s consciousness. We can only expose and challenge this by showing that we have different ideas, better ideas and that we are many whilst they are few.
I don’t want Cameron to resign just yet, only because we can’t let them airbrush their failed policies away by bringing in a replacement. We also need time to allow Labour to select many more left candidates for the next election.
What message do you want to send to the government?
You’re not credible, not wanted, not going to get away with deceiving people any longer, not going to win the next general election.
Source: Anti-austerity protesters: ‘why we want David Cameron to resign’ | Global | The Guardian
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Man’s capacity for justice makes democracy possible, but man’s inclination to injustice makes democracy necessary. Reinhold Niebuhr
And Governments capacity for tyranny makes it necessary for the people to be armed to the teeth so as to protect democracy from those who claim to rule in its name!
I wish that people had cottoned on a bit earlier. These sorts of protests before 2015 would have made all the difference to the election result, I’m sure.
It’s because more people are affected, though don’t hold your breath that anything will change, unless it is for more suffering, that is the only agenda that the pig screwer cares about. He has already shown that he hasthick skin, but then he is a psychopath!!!
Just go, Tories, before you are pushed.
The people of this country (the 99% that you don’t even attempt to represent) can only be pushed so far, and you are going beyond that. Only your puppet media are hiding what’s going on, and these days the word gets out more reliably by other means – in the way that you praised when it happened all over the middle east.
Guess, what – the same is starting to happen here now.
If you leave power and turn yourselves in to the police, pleading guilty to the multiple charges that will be brought concerning the way you’ve been ripping off the country and trampling over basic human rights, you may at least get relatively short sentences.
If you force the people of Britain to remove you, it may well be bloody – why should you be the only ones doing the killing? Too many have died at your hands already.
They use their hiden wealth to enslave us and they call it democracy.
Let’s go back in time, when the Grecs invented proper democracy!
Demos=People Cratos=Power
Power to the People
What have we got?
An Oligarchy
Oligos= a small group of people Cratos=Power
Power to a small group of People who supposing representing us, who create and legislate laws on our behalf but these laws are for their party, their family, their friends and their lobbyists.