Don’t believe what Cameron says; if the UK votes to leave the EU, he’ll leave too
On his way out: Cameron will probably leave if the public rejects his position on the EU referendum [Image: Matt Dunham/AP].
That’s no reason to vote ‘Leave’, of course – we’ll still have a Conservative government and the next Tory prime minister won’t have EU membership to hinder him or her from inflicting harsher policies of hate upon the poor.
Also, we don’t know how the political landscape will look by June this year.
Already the Conservative government has been pummelled by shock after shock – the disastrous Omnishambles II budget that ruined George Osborne’s chances of succeeding Cameron at Number 10; the resignation of Iain Duncan Smith in what most people see as an EU-motivated attack on Cameron; the Mossack Fonseca tax avoidance scandal that turned Cameron himself toxic.
The local and regional elections are less than three weeks away and the Conservatives are vulnerable. Who knows what further weaknesses may be revealed after the poll?
Recent by-elections have shown apocalyptic falls in support for the Tories – one in Cornwall last week showed them losing 40 per cent of the vote. That’s not the Tory vote, but the overall turnout.
Undoubtedly the Tory faithful will try to pour oil on their party’s troubled waters – as with the John Whittingdale affair, but – as with the John Whittingdale affair, they’ll be on a hiding to nothing if the facts are against them.
Whittingdale put himself in a compromising position and it seems certain that the press moguls exploited it. Anyone saying he is part of a “non-story” about his relationship with a dominatrix is trying to mislead you.
The British people aren’t as gullible as they were last year. The Tories may be set to learn that the hard way.
David Cameron would be overthrown as prime minister within 30 seconds of a vote to leave the EU in the June referendum, Kenneth Clarke has said.
In a direct challenge to Cameron, who told MPs this week that he would remain in office to negotiate Britain’s exit in the event of a vote to leave the EU, the veteran pro-European said it would be “farcical” for him to continue.
The former chancellor told the Week in Westminster on BBC Radio 4: “The prime minister wouldn’t last 30 seconds if he lost the referendum and we’d be plunged into a Conservative leadership crisis which is never a very edifying sight.”
The intervention by Clarke, whose frontbench career was revived by Cameron a year before the 2010 general election, will be seen by No 10 as particularly unhelpful. The prime minister has sought to quash questions about his own political future, as he did during the Scottish referendum, by insisting he would remain in office if he loses the EU vote. Cameron had in fact prepared a resignation speech on the eve of the Scottish referendum.
Source: Cameron wouldn’t last 30 seconds if he lost EU vote, says Ken Clarke | Politics | The Guardian
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“Cameron, who told MPs this week that he would remain in office to negotiate Britain’s exit in the event of a vote to leave the EU.” We have seen his failure in negotiating anything with the brussels so called elite, so the idea of him doing the job is a bit like giving the job of Pope to a muslim jihadist.
cameron will have two choices irrespective of the referendum result.
resign or face the back stabbers for leadership. which do you think he’ll choose??
Does anyone remember that stork that perched on No.10’s door!
No reason to Vote Leave? Labour Leave and Gisela Stuart have a lot to say about that, as indeed, did Corbyn himself before he’s been forced to “convert” to stop a coup by the majority blairite parliamentary party. Not only would Cameron be gone after a Brexit, so would this government and Brexit WILL see a fresh GE this year, that’s a certainty. Its going to be hard for the LIBLABCON parties to drag themselves out from under that mess. But perhaps you should be looking at EU plans to introduce the EU “Social Union” under which it will take complete control of ALL EU benefits. Under EU harmonisation, that’s not going to mean German benefit levels for all (which Germany itself can not sustain) but “harmonisation” to something like Portugal. And if we don’t like it, guess what protests in London will achieve to change them? Exactly! Nothing! A Labour vote to Remain is UK socialism pulling the tombstone over its own head. Better to back Brexit and chart a new destiny for the left in a restored British Parliamentary Democracy: which must include PR, and THAT is how to kill the tories, for good!
I have a feeling that Dodgy Dave wants to leave the EU, but due to his innate mendacity he has decided to use reverse psychology: believing that if the electorate think he wants to stay, and, realising many dislike him, they will vote OUT to stymie his rhetoric, but in fact play into his hands and give him the go ahead to become the dictator which he wants.
I agree caselealez Dodgy Dave’s pretence with his friendship with Boris does not wash with me i have sussed Cameron out a long time ago!!… he’s a very deceitful politician that should never of gotten back in again and needs to GO.
My vote is with Corbyn to stay in the EU
I think you are right.
It could be a double bluff he is a staunch europhile who is pretending he is to make people think has a brain and actually backs his own nation, when in fact he wants to stay in europe. Apparently the cameron Boris hateship goes all the way back to their schooldays.
We have to stay in, if only to give some restraint on Tory extremism – irrespective of who ends up leading them, the strings will still be pulled by the same mega-corps and billionaires. At least if we stay in we have some way to limit their attacks on human rights.
Well it hasn’t done anything whatsoever to restrain tory extremism and it was ted heath a tory who took us in so I don’t believe your praise has any credence. The european court of human rights has nothing to do with the eu or even membership of it there are european nations not in the eu who are signed up to the ehcr.
He’ll stay in power for as long as he can before he gets booted out by his own worthless party!