Junior doctors’ strike will not put patients’ at risk, say senior medics
The letter warns the health secretary that imposing the contract on junior doctors will ‘demoralise an entire generation’ of medics [Image: Guy Bell/Rex/Shutterstock].
They have driven NHS doctors to a point at which they can do nothing other than withdraw their services – temporarily at the moment, although I can see it becoming permanent if Hunt persists.
It’s a win-win situation for Hunt – either he gets to put doctors on impossible contracts that will harm patient health or the NHS starts to implode.
And there are always swivel-eyed loons who will support him – we only have to watch last week’s BBC Question Time for proof of that!
It is therefore vitally important that those of us who support the doctors, support the National Health Service, and support the principle of universal health care continue to publicise the message that supporting the doctors is in the best interests of all of us.
Please spread the word.
More than 2,500 consultants, GPs and senior doctors have signed a letter to David Cameron and Jeremy Hunt in support of their striking junior colleagues, and offering assurance that patients will be kept safe during next week’s walkout.
Junior doctors represented by the BMA are planning their first all-out strikes on 26 and 27 April – the first time in the history of the NHS that they have threatened a full withdrawal of labour.
In the letter, senior doctors say they are disappointed that negotiations between their junior colleagues and the government have broken down.
“As senior clinicians who deliver healthcare on the frontline on a daily basis, we understand their frustrations and their actions,” it says. “Stretching an already limited resource across [seven] days does not improve patient care, rather diminishes it, and will also result in the demoralisation of an entire generation of junior doctors.
“We are keen to work with you to improve patient care, but this will come with clinical engagement, not disempowerment.”
Source: Junior doctors’ strike will not put patients at risk, senior medics say | Society | The Guardian
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Maybe the doctors are doing what the Tories want so then they can slip privatisation in the back door.
Either way, the Tories get what they want – unless we put them straight.
now is surely s time for all opposition parties to form a block vote against the tories.
Jeremy Hunt knows exactly what he is doing. Many Tories and Right wing Labour have wanted an end to the NHS and Hunt is driving everything in the desired direction. The trouble with the Tories and many far right wing Labourites is that they see the British public as being very fickle, they have never (and still do not),understood that once the Brits do take a stand, they can and likely will be very unforgiving.
By driving the NHS under, the Tories undermine all of their policies, which will then be viewed in a very different light, no rose tinted glasses, no benefit of the doubt, just cold, hard antipathy and enmity.
He’s a unt