Junior doctor RESIGNS on live TV ahead of strike over Jeremy Hunt’s contract
A junior doctor announced live on air that he intends to resign because of his anger at the new contract .
Dr Ben White told viewers of ITV’s Good Morning Britain that he would be leaving his post as a trainee doctor to join the legal campaign against Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt’s plans.
He said: “I have taken the decision that I am resigning as a trainee doctor to focus on a legal campaign to fight the contract on behalf of my patients and on behalf of the NHS.”
Asked why it had come to this, he was visibly upset and said: “I really feel like we have been backed into a corner and there’s not a lot of sense coming out of the Government’s side of things.
“We have to put patients first and we can see at the moment the understaffing and the underfunding in the NHS.”
Junior doctors are set to start an all-out strike which will last between 8am to 5pm on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Dr White assured patients that if they are unwell they should go to hospital as consultants would be covering emergency care.
Ben White said he is leaving his job to focus on a legal campaign against the imposition of a new contract for junior doctors.
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What an awful shame that this obviously dedicated doctor feels that his only option, given the intransigent attitude of Jeremy Hunt over the imposition of his new contract, is to resign. In my opinion it is this unwillingness to rethink this contract by Hunt that is the cause of the escalation in this dispute and that responsibility lies with him, it is he [ Hunt ] who is therefore putting patients at risk and inconvenience. He has made this dispute political not the BMA, he must take responsibility for his attrocious handling of this dispute and face up to the consequences of his failure as Health Secretary. Between him and Andrew Lansley they are ruining the NHS and it is they who have caused the current problems.
A brave man I wish him well, ut I hope he hasn’t prejudiced his long term career.
I wish you & your comrades the very best of luck Dr Ben
the doctor who resigned has a principled standpoint.
Hunt must know his days of wasting taxpayers money will reach an end soon.
that is why Cameron is lining up another PR man. Hunt is the fool associated with the doctors contracts and is taking flak for dismantling the NHS although hes a puppet with the poisoned chalice.
A real shot across the bows for CHunt, although he’ll be pleased he’s resigned, it’s still an embarrassing moment for the useless CHunt who’s making the entire situation worse!