Labour says ‘fight will go on’ after Tories vote down child refugee plan
A group of refugee children seen playing at the refugee camp in Idomeni, Greece [Image: Geovien So/Barcroft Media].
The shadow immigration minister, Keir Starmer, has promised that “the fight will go on” to force the UK to do more to help some of the thousands of unaccompanied child refugees stranded in mainland Europe.
In a vote in the House of Commons on Monday night, the government narrowly defeated a cross-party amendment to the immigration bill, tabled in the House of Lords, that would have seen the UK accept 3,000 child refugees.
But speaking on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme on Tuesday, Starmer said: “We can’t turn our backs on these vulnerable children in Europe, and history will judge us for that.” He added: “It’s not over: the fight will go on.”
Source: Labour says ‘fight will go on’ after Tories vote down child refugee plan | World news | The Guardian
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For those interested:
Unaccompanied Refugee Children: Relocation and Support
Immigration Bill – in the House of Commons at 6:29 pm on 25th April 2016.

The problem is that people post pictures such as the one above where the children pictured are not unaccompanied and the definition of a child seems to be at variance with most peoples ideas of the age group as well.
The children are unaccompanied, though. As for the definition of a child – there are legal rules about that.
I fail to understand your issue.