Twitter erupts as mainstream media try to keep Tory election fraud story out of the news
There’s no update on the summit meeting between the Electoral Commission and police forces investigating the allegations of Tory electoral fraud – so here’s something for you to consider.
While members of the public have been clamouring for coverage, most of the mainstream news channels – papers, TV, radio – have resolutely ignored it.
But they jump when just one or two people complain about programme content.
Perhaps the answer is to write in to your favourite news purveyor with a letter marked clearly, “COMPLAINT”, and demand to know why they aren’t covering a story that is clearly of significant image to large numbers of the public.
With over 30,000 tweets [yesterday, May 3], the hashtag #ToryElectionFraud had been trending on Twitter at number 3, and [was] (at the time of writing) the sixth most tweeted-about issue.
However, with such a big political news story currently unfurling, you would have expected the media to be all over it like a rash – just as they were with the Ken Livingstone anti-Semitism saga last week.
Despite the furore that Channel 4’s investigation has created, there has been virtually no other coverage from the mainstream media of this deeply undemocratic scandal. And Twitter was rightly outraged at the lack of coverage.
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This story is of national importance and it is in the public interest that it receives full coverage.
It’s indicative of how corrupt the political/media class is in this country when we have to go to RT to get our news. Censorship by omission is not what we pay our license fees for.
dodgy Dave and his corrupt,lying govt again.his last weeks show of hypocrisy sickened me
over Hillsborough about how Liverpool people have got justice,notice he didn’t say anything about a lying Tory Prime Minister(Thatcher)being complicit in the cover up.
we had a lying Tory Prime Minister then and we’ve got one now.nothing changes does it.
and what about the thousands murdered by his DWP dept,when are the relatives of those going to get justice ?
Diversion News. They just love anti-semitism rather than anything important.
Clearly, The BBC and their likes, are complicit in covering this up. There is no other possible motive, if proof of their Tory masters being in control of the media were ever lacking, it is not now.
I don’t get this actually. I saw the piece on C4news this evening, and they said something about the fact that the police hadn’t actually seen any evidence yet? What was all that about? What about the C4 investigation? Or does C4 have to report the Tories to the police or something, and they haven’t done that?
I phoned BBC and made verbal complaint about lack of coverage, particularly on tv – yet being drenched in coverage of alleged anti-Semitism and Labour.
They said they had had quite a few complaints. I had complained online but
my complaint disappeared just as I finished writing it – so I won’t get a reply from
the verbal one. Going to email Channel Four News to urge them not to let the story
drop – if police don’t push for time extension, etc.
Urging all concerned to complain. Best way to give this teeth.
Let’s not let them get away with it, let us all keep up the pressure on these tory turds!
Just goes to prove how bad the press has got in terms of independant reporting and dancing to their owners and sponsors tune. I have personally given up paying for non-existant and doctored news and have little or no trust in the items they do print as being fairly representative……they have just become propoganda machines……..