MP demands government must drop ‘outrageous’ fit-for-work ruling on man with severe skull damage

Last Updated: May 14, 2016By

160514 Kenny Bailey

The UK’s Conservative Government is hitting new low points every day – and this must be one of the lowest.

Let’s let Michael Dugher’s website take up the story. This Writer may have differences with him over Jeremy Corbyn, but he’s fighting for his constituent and that is to be praised:

Michael has called for the head of the Department for Work and Pensions to reverse a decision declaring a Barnsley stroke victim “fit for work” and removing his benefits – despite him having severe skull damage and suffering from partial paralysis.

Mr Kenny Bailey, a constituent of Michael’s, was left with serious neurological and physical health problems after suffering a major stroke in 2014. He has very serious mobility difficulties, including partial paralysis on his left side and a severe limp. He is also currently waiting for an operation to have a metal plate fitted to reshape his skull.

However, the Department for Work and Pensions ruled that Mr Bailey is “fit to work” and that he should lose his Employment and Support Allowance – which will mean Mr Bailey is £156 per fortnight worse off and only has his Personal Independent Payment to cover food and bills.

Mr Bailey is appealing the shocking decision and Michael is taking the matter up on his behalf.

In a letter to the head of the Department, Michael called for the Secretary of State, Stephen Crabb, to “intervene personally on [Mr Bailey’s] behalf during this process to overturn the decision and restore Mr Bailey’s ESA.”

Commenting, Michael said:

“I was quite frankly appalled to learn that the Department for Work and Pensions is cutting support for my constituent Mr Bailey, who is doing the best he can to cope with the terrible life-changing injuries he sustained in 2014.

“Mr Bailey clearly suffers from severe mobility and other health issues as a result of his stroke and it is outrageous that the Government have declared him ‘fit for work’ and removed his Employment and Support Allowance.

“The Department for Work and pensions need to urgently reverse this decision and restore Mr Bailey’s Employment and Support Allowance.

“I have taken this matter up directly with the Secretary of State at the Department and I will fight this unfair and unjust decision through Mr Bailey’s appeal process.”

You can see Michael’s letter in full here.


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  1. Brian May 14, 2016 at 10:24 pm - Reply

    I wish Michael Dugher every success and suspect a deal may be made to shut him up. But this is one of many thousands of examples. Perhaps following this he may throw his weight where it matters.

  2. stevenmcguire May 14, 2016 at 10:31 pm - Reply

    these b*****ds are not human hope karma brings yous down

  3. John May 14, 2016 at 10:43 pm - Reply

    I totally back Michael Dugher on this one! The Govt/DWP simply MUST be fully held accountable for the suffering and deaths they have caused due to the callous decisions that have been taken by them. It makes me very angry, that the only thing I can do to try and stop cases like this from happening, is simply by voting Labour in the elections.

  4. jeffrey davies May 15, 2016 at 6:17 am - Reply

    aktion t4 inforce

  5. Dez May 15, 2016 at 8:57 am - Reply

    This just shows how unfit for purpose the DWP is to be fair in their decisions and not driven by austerity and meeting cut back targets. Makes oen wonder just how many others have fallen by the wayside who do not have the support of independent organisations or their political representatives…. I’m not sure how many Cons MPs would in fact support their constituent against the DWP as most seem to be completely inhuman beings.

  6. aussieeh May 15, 2016 at 3:41 pm - Reply

    Everyone involved in the removal of this man’s ESA benefits payments should be dismissed on the spot. Firstly for the complete lack of empathy and the undue pressure they have placed on this poor individual, as if he’s not got enough to worry about. Then secondly for the complete loss of common sense, you would think they were purposely trying to push this man towards suicide. Self-Murder through pressure. Let us hope the powers that be show some common sense.

  7. Justin May 15, 2016 at 4:25 pm - Reply

    no doubt another one of these super doctors that the dwp have that in 5 weeks can overrule the minimal training that a gp has that takes 9 years and a consultant that takes a dance like more, I hope this guy has a good advocate that will help to get the person that stated he was fit to work struck of and take it to the decision maker who clearly has not got a clue either, nothing unusual there, start to take note mr crabb, dont be dealing with your wayward wca assessors and your equally wayward decision makers and it is a matter of time before someone sues succesfully, then ho w much money will you save, be also aware your department has the responsibility of these people in your hands, there loads of recomendations, professor harrington, the oakley review, coroners recomendations, still think that you can carry on supporting a group of assessors that make bad decisions, i leave that up to you but it is matter of time before a succesfull case is bought, so start to get real look at how this is done, bring in stronger regulation and start taking a deep look at all these companies and the clowns there hiring and if you want a meaning by clowns, here is a clue a physiotherapist who training relates to sports physiotherapy and does not indicate a speciality towards bi-polar, now picture that person in court under oath and explaining to the panel what qualifications they have to assess a person with bi-polar, well i did 5 weeks worth of training and i have a sports physiotherapy qualification, looks a very good outcome in court does it not,

  8. Jack May 15, 2016 at 11:02 pm - Reply

    I don’t see how voting Labour will make a difference.
    Labour / Conservatives 2 cheeks of the same arse, wake-up!

    UK Welfare Reform Deaths ~ Updated List ~ October 21st 2014

    • Mike Sivier May 24, 2016 at 12:17 pm - Reply

      I think you are the one who needs to wake up.
      Under Corbyn, Labour is shifting a long way from the Conservative Party and you’d need to be blinkered or ignorant to miss that.

    • Dez May 24, 2016 at 3:54 pm - Reply

      Wow ….. that is one mother of a list of very depressing cases. First time I have seen the list and the background to the issue. This list should be made more public
      so that folk can see what is going down here. What is also depressing as to why more coroners counrts had not highlighted these deaths as Government failures. Even accepting that there were other factors the one key point is that a Government Department tipped the balance. Shocking reading.

  9. mrmarcpc May 16, 2016 at 2:57 pm - Reply

    All the very best of luck to Michael, he’s going to need it standing up against these fascists who think it’s hilarious to persecute the ill, disabled and less well off in our society!

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