Council that granted fracking permit is controlled by the Conservatives

Last Updated: May 24, 2016By

Fracking: Coming soon to Kirby Misperton in Ryedale, North Yorkshire.

Isn’t it interesting that – even though they’re not supposed to vote along party lines on planning issues – the North Yorkshire planning committee that granted permission for fracking in Ryedale, by a majority of seven to four, is composed of seven Conservatives and four other members?

160524 fracking majority

The council itself has a Conservative majority, with 45 Tory members and 27 others.

160524 fracking n yorks council composition

And it is also interesting that fracking in England – beginning a process that companies like Third Energy hope will break down resistance to the controversial process – will start in what George Osborne’s father-in-law described as “the unloved North”.

Is that enough ground for a legal challenge?

I know. It’s “clutching at straws” and anyone who suggests there’s any connection between the facts above and the determination of the Conservative Government in Westminster to force fracking on us whether we want it or not –

And 92 per cent of the people of Ryedale who expressed an interest definitely do not want it

– are probably conspiracy theorists who should be wearing tinfoil hats.

Just remember it when – as the ‘tinfoil hat’ image above states – you get the letter saying your water has been poisoned.

Oh, and consider adding your name to Friends of the Earth’s declaration of opposition to fracking in the UK:

North Yorkshire County Council have said Yes to dangerous fracking.

This is despite the opposition of thousands of local residents, businesses and Ryedale District Council.

Fracking poses unacceptable risks to people’s health, homes and goes against everything we need to do to tackle dangerous climate change.

The people of Yorkshire want to make it clear that this decision is not in their name, and they will continue the fight against fracking. Will you stand with them?

Together, our people power has kept the UK free from fracking for 5 years now. Let’s stand with Yorkshire and make sure Britain stays frack free.

Source: Add your name to the People’s Declaration. Say no to fracking. | Friends of the Earth


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  1. casalealex May 24, 2016 at 11:34 am - Reply

    THE INDEPENDENT Monday 24 March 2014
    David Cameron goes ‘all out for shale’ with tax boost for councils willing to approve projects

    Bribery and Corruption!

  2. casalealex May 24, 2016 at 11:38 am - Reply

    “We’re all in it together”, David Cameron scrawled in his Telegraph article on fracking. Presumably this means he personally has invested heavily in the process as the evidence suggests there are appalling drawbacks for the majority of the UK.

    The article, “We cannot afford to miss out on shale gas”, is sub-headed “Safe fracking will cut energy bills and create wealth without ruining precious countryside”, writes David Cameron”.

    “If we don’t back this technology, we will miss a massive opportunity to help families with their bills and make our country more competitive,” he wrote in the Telegraph.

    According to the BBC, “the government’s own energy department DECC says it’s not clear whether fracking will bring down bills or not”.

    So Mr Cameron is contradicting his own experts.

    “Firstly, where we can act to relieve the pressure, we must.”
    “Secondly, fracking will create jobs in Britain.”
    “Thirdly, fracking will bring money to local neighbourhoods.”
    “I want all parts of our nation to share in the benefits: north or south, Conservative or Labour. We are all in this together.”

    “Local people will not be cut out and ignored… firms looking to frack should make people aware of their plans well before they apply for a permit…. if residents express specific concerns, then companies should take them on board.”

    “International evidence shows there is no reason why the process should cause contamination of water supplies or other environmental damage, if properly regulated,” said Mr Cameron, leader of the Party of DEregulation.

  3. casalealex May 24, 2016 at 11:50 am - Reply


    Cameron: …” opponents of gas fracking are “irrational” and simply “can’t bear the thought of another carbon-based fuel”.

    Agreed, Dodgy Dave. we are incoherent with shock that you could still insist on fracking this country, when only about 24% support it.

    Cameron: …people…”religiously opposed” to shale exploration.

    Davy Boy, you yourself have said, you are “evangelical” about your Christian faith….and that religion is “helping people to have a moral code”.

    Again, I agree with you, as 76% of people believe it is morally wrong to disregard the evidence that fracking can cause problems, ie. contamination of our water, unknown chemicals pumped underground, hundreds of lorries on our roads, transporting materials to and from fracking sites, and the desecration of the environment of our countryside.

    Cameron: is in favour of “cash payments to householders” disturbed by the drilling of wells near their homes.

    Not only “near their homes”, but possibly running underneath them. Offering money sounds a bit like bribery to me! People will be unable to insure their homes with the uncertainty of damage to the land on which their homes stand.

    Cameron: accepted that there would be local arguments over the impact of wells on communities, but said that they should be “properly informed by what the potential of this industry is”.

    Davy Boy, in over four years of your government, we have been told innumerable lies, why should we think that for once we might be told the truth?

  4. mrmarcpc May 24, 2016 at 1:33 pm - Reply

    Camoron obeying his big business overlords I see, no big surprise really!

  5. jeffrey davies May 24, 2016 at 1:47 pm - Reply

    you only have to look to america to see the trouble it brought it brought poisen contaminated water into homes ops has for cheaper gas dont be daft it be the same price has the rest but costing more to get out of the ground we will end up paying this bill and afterwards the clean up look to america these companys go burst not to do it leaving the tax payer once more to pick the bill up oh dear oh dear jeff3

  6. mohandeer May 24, 2016 at 2:15 pm - Reply

    In the US and Canada hundreds of companies involved in fracking have gone into receivership due to the output costs and negative profits with thousands of wells abandoned and quakes destroying homes, up ending roads and creating fractures leading straight to ground sourced water supplies. The many studies have shown the damage in terms of poisons and toxicity levels and quake damage which is becoming more frequent and stronger and the fact that some of the “best” companies involved in fracking have cocked up big time are being ignored in what can only be described as outright lies by this government. The MP I wrote to did just that – lied her socks off, I didn’t know where to start in refuting the many false claims she made. Rant over.

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