Nazi sympathiser working for Vote Leave campaign | Pride’s Purge
And people ask me why I’m voting ‘Remain’.
Perhaps the operative question to ask is: Just the one?
The Vote Leave campaign has been using some decidedly dodgy people to persuade the British public to leave the EU.
But none so dodgy as this swastika covered nazi-sympathising woman:
This charming woman’s name apparently is Eva. Here she is campaigning for Vote Leave in Leeds last week:
Just one of many extremists (not so) openly working for the Brexit campaign?
Source: Pride’s Purge | an irreverent look at UK politics
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And on the other side are Dodgy Dave, Grabbing Gideon and – according to an advert on this very web page – “very damaging” tax-dodging Richard Branson.
Should we hold them in higher esteem than Eva?
Unlike the first two, Eva has not introduced welfare reforms that killed thousands.
By focusing on personalities, you make the same sort of mistake as the mass media.
People need facts and real probabilities to decide how to vote, not gossip.
‘Eva’ clearly idolises a regime that killed millions.
Let’s keep a little perspective, shall we?
So,her name is Eva? Eva Braun, perhaps?
How about listing the dodgy people on the remain side?
The fact you can side with Dodgy Dave , Osbourne and Big Business, is unbelievable.
Eu good for workers rights? It’s about time they stopped the French government beating the crap out of the CGT
You miss the point.
I’m not siding with Cameron, Osborne, “Big Business” or anyone else.
Please stop trying to distort the facts. That is why ‘Leave’ is losing.
But then, you don’t have any other strategy, do you?
Distort the facts? What facts? Not sure what you mean by that..
You’re putting the case to remain in the EU, just as Cameron is.
The EU is about keeping the rich ,, rich! And that’s it.
How has the EU helped Greece? The 20% unemployed in Spain,
Steel workers in the UK…
I’ve visited Brussels a few times. The wealth of the EU commission disgusts me, especially when people are living in poverty a few miles away.
I don’t have any strategy,, why should I ?
Who says the EU is about keeping the rich in their money? You do.
It isn’t the EU that pushed Greece towards a zombie economy – it’s financial institutions including most prominently the IMF.
Steel workers in the UK were let down by their own government, that vetoed an EU plan to charge a much higher tariff on the sale of Chinese steel here. The EU as a whole wanted to help.
So you are distorting the facts.
So.. You’re saying the EU wanted to help but… It can’t help the workers in Greece. It can’t help the steel workers in the UK. It isn’t helping the workers in France.
Looking at employment figures,, the EU doesn’t seem very good at producing jobs for working people in general.
So what does it do? Other than keep Germany better off than the rest.
Have you seen youth unemployment figures?? How young people have been conned into believing in the EU is beyond me.
Tell me some benefits of the EU instead of accusing me of distorting facts.
Your favourite retort..