Will the EU referendum be Cameron’s Waterloo?

David Cameron’s credibility with the public is at an all-time low after the Panama Papers, and with the investigations into electoral fraud by 2015 election candidates. Now his party is turning against him.
‘Mad Nad’ Dorries has called for a vote of ‘no confidence’ in David Cameron – whatever the result of the EU referendum.
Tory Andrew Bridgen has gone one further, saying Cameron is “finished” as Tory party leader.
Michael Gove and Boris Johnson have questioned his credibility.
So has Priti Patel (although nobody should care what she thinks).
That’s a lot of very influential Nasties lining up to stick their knives in his back – and we haven’t even mentioned the many police investigations that are bringing the legitimacy of the Conservative Government into question.
So, what do you think?
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So, Taxi for Dodgy Dave? Plenty of like for like replacements: step forward,Barmy Boris and Gormeless Gove. But seriously, we deserve better than any of these.
And with mad, bad Nad “dangerous to know” Dorries in the party Dave isn’t short of enemies. But how can a party split by an undisguised loathing between all of its members expect to govern sensibly.
I very much doubt that the Tory party as a whole would commit governmental hari-kiri. Sadly most of them are realists and can read the polls,and have an inate desire to stay firmly entrenched on the gravy train for at least the remaining period of their mandate.I am firmly of the opinion we should stay in Europe, if for no other reason than to keep some sort of control, however minor, over the present bunch of meglomaniacs. Should we leave they will have a field day. Their avowed intent is to remove the worker and disabled rights Europe affords us, and remove the power of the House of Lords which seems to be doing the job it was designed to do i.e. keep the meglomaniacs under control.. It doesn’t take a genius to work out the reason why Boris, IDS, Fox et al want us out of Europe. I could make a fairly safe bet on them wanting to further emasculate the people who earn the money into which they, the “privileged” few, joyously dip and salt secretly away in far away places.To me a vote for Brexit is akin to Germany’s folly of the 20s. The German people knew what Hitler was all about, after all, he and his cronies didn’t keep it under wraps, but then once they discovered what “make Germany great again” and “remove all the foriegners from our shores” and “There will be a true Aryan race again” meant in reality, it was far too late. I am also extremely disappointed to see ordinary people not actually thinking things through, and the consequences of their actions .I am not “scaremongering”, just presenting my view from a factual historical viewpoint. Once the immigration and envy is removed, how can anyone ignore what is ACTUALLY happening. Fact Cameron announced he was going to sort the Lords out. Fact. IDS stated he is going to sort out the “benefit scroungers” out,. Teresa May is trying to get mass spying on ALL of us ( except for her and her family, of course) Fact. Boris has stated the worker rights constituent of the European Charter on Human Rights (British actually, but don’t tell Boris, he’ll be devastated) and dear old Nige, the worker and people’s friend, would have us all into labour camps pdq if we dared argue with him.The morons are giving us exactly the same racist, bigoted, homophobic propaganda Adolf Hitler et al gave the German people back in the day. Have we not learned from those days? Once decided, contrary to Boris’s rather strange belief that Brexit would make Johnny Foreigner scared witless, and renegotiate the European Charter, there is NO return. And in the meantime, America doesn’t want us ( they already have a goodly tax free portion anyway ), the Commonwealth doesn’t want us ( we booted them into touch in the 70s remember), EFTA doesn’t want us and the rate we’re going Europe’s feelings about the UK will head further downhill at a rapid tae of knots.
“The remaining period of their mandate” being until the end of the last expenses investigation needed to remove the Conservative majority in Parliament, of course.
Actually, not even that. If the expenses investigations result in ejections from Parliament, then it will be shown that the Tories never had a mandate at all.
You make very good points.
This is one of the most sensible comments on the current situation I’ve ever read. It should go nationwide.
That does not seem likely on a bank holiday weekend!
Excellant reminder, lest we forget. Unfortunately the human race seems to revel in keeping making the same mistakes once a generation or two of first hand knowledge has passed by.
Those who do not learn from history are destined to repeat it.
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Together we are against corruption and together we can defeat it …
12 May 2016 –
“Together we are against corruption and together we can defeat it. David Cameron. Prime Minister of the … we can defeat it.” May 12, 2016.
So what? The Tories are still leading the polls. Even after tax scandals and continuous policies of austerity, the people still have faith in the Tories. Probably not in Cameron, but it will be the Tories the next government again. Jeremy Corbyn isn’t popular. You gotta admit it if you want to be realistic. Or if you want to just live in your fantasy world, then you are not to be blamed.
They’re pretty much neck-and-neck, in fact. Who’s ahead depends on the poll you’re reading.
Corbyn would be doing a lot better if he didn’t have backstabbers in his Parliamentary party who STILL haven’t realised that their position is unpopular and Corbyn’s has doubled the size of Labour’s membership.
I’m not living in a fantasy world; I can see what’s going on.
Would you like me to remind you that the Tories got into government with only 24 per cent of the electorate supporting them?
John White. Hope you forgive me but you say it so much better than I and so I have used copy and paste to F/B and Google. I have not used your name but “from the comments section”. Well done.
As for Kosko – you do realise than 76% of the vote did not want Tories in power and the reason Labour did not pick up more votes was because traditional Labour wouldn’t vote for right wing Labour and others did not trust any of the parties. Now that Corbyn is on the scene, more people will vote Labour under his leadership and many who abandoned the party in 2010 and 2015 will be voting Labour once again. Cameron has managed to alienate so many people and with the destruction of the NHS assured under right wingers, Tories will likely be the most hated party in many decades. Once the Labour right stop stabbing Corbyn in the back, the polls will shift in Labour’s favour. Tories only hope is that the Labour right remain in to destabilize the party, that is something the members themselves could remedy.