Campaign to extend EU vote registration deadline after website crash

Last Updated: June 8, 2016By

160608 jeremy corbyn
Some are saying 27,000 people could be denied a vote after the website went down.

A petition has been set up, very hastily, calling on the Conservative Government to extend the deadline so everybody who wants a vote can have it. It may be found here.

Hopefully the Tories will listen; after all, it is in their interests – on both sides of the debate – to have as many voters as possible.

This Writer particularly enjoyed cartoonist Martin Rowson’s comment on the latest disaster to hit the Tory administration: “Right, now if the Referendum result is within 10k either way, with luck the whole thing can be declared null & void cos of Electoral Commission website crash last night.

“Which should also mean that EVERYONE INVOLVED will instantly be locked in a dungeon forever.”

Jeremy Corbyn has called for the deadline to register to vote for the EU referendum to be extended, as 27,000 or more people were potentially denied the vote yesterday when the Cabinet Office’s registration website crashed half an hour before midnight.

Mr Corbyn tweeted that he had been told the site had crashed so people could not register to vote in the EU referendum.

“If so, deadline has to be extended.”

The site was down for around half an hour just before the midnight deadline.

Source: Corbyn says extend EU vote registration deadline after site crashes | Left Foot Forward


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