Corbyn critics should check their surroundings before speaking

Last Updated: June 26, 2016By
The BBC: Not so much 'Breaking News' as News That Is Broken.

The BBC: Not so much ‘Breaking News’ as News That Is Broken.

Mrs Mike has been watching the BBC News channel.

It has been reporting on the Labour resignations, and one female pundit, out on College Green, was merrily telling an interviewer that Jeremy Corbyn simply doesn’t have the support of the people.

Meanwhile, behind her, a crowd of “the people” had gathered to chant: “Jeremy Corbyn – In! In! In!”

The moral of the story is this: When in doubt about the mood of the nation, don’t pay attention to the pundits.

Listen to the crowd.


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  1. Barry Davies June 26, 2016 at 3:40 pm - Reply

    Jerry is having a cull by the looks of it, good for him the approbation being heaped on him, by those who would have removed him, is clear, and he was right to free them from office. He should have just sacked them not given them opportunity to pretend they resigned without a push.

  2. hayfords June 26, 2016 at 3:42 pm - Reply

    I would have thought the moral of the story was, “don’t listen to people who happen to shouting near you because they may not be representative”.

    • Mike Sivier June 26, 2016 at 3:46 pm - Reply

      Nah. If someone has given up their valuable free time to demonstrate in favour of a politician – a politician! – then I think they are worth far more attention than a paid political stooge.

      • Anntoinette Kelleher June 26, 2016 at 5:43 pm - Reply

        Mike, I’m a devout Jeremy Corbyn supporter and would love to see the news reel but I’ve searched for the piece your wife was watching and hey presto as if by magic it’s disappeared!!! Please can you signpost me in the right direction…? I’d love to share it on FB just to expose the corruption in our press! Thank you


        • Mike Sivier June 27, 2016 at 7:42 pm - Reply

          I don’t think you’ll see it; it was live TV on the BBC news channel yesterday afternoon.

      • Aelfy June 26, 2016 at 7:48 pm - Reply


    • John June 26, 2016 at 11:51 pm - Reply

      Not deliberately backing up Mike here (but you can think what you like anyway hayfords) – given that, generally speaking, politicians these days are thought to be ‘just in it for their own careers’ – Mike has got a very good point (assuming of course, that that was what Mike was referring to there!)(if not, I think MY point still stands!).

  3. Adam Clifford June 26, 2016 at 5:14 pm - Reply

    Rebecca Chabrati [I’m not sure if that was her last name] on that program was talking about Corbyn and his politics in a very coherent way.It’s a very powerful ,coherent and pursuasive politics.

  4. nuggy June 26, 2016 at 9:33 pm - Reply

    do you think they would do that for any other politician?

  5. autismandate June 26, 2016 at 10:09 pm - Reply

    The coup ers are suggesting that we shouldn’t support Corbyn because he is not electable, so we should support someone who is unprincipled because that is who is electable. That’s never going to happen. Corbyn stays.
    They go.

  6. Richard Pink June 27, 2016 at 12:08 am - Reply

    Something similar happened once before when i was watching a BBC news before when a BBC reporter outside Parliament was saying people had accepted the need for Austerity while nearly being drowned out by the noise of an anti austerity march behind him which he never even mentioned in the report lol!

    • Terry Casey (@tcliverpool) June 27, 2016 at 3:02 am - Reply

      It is called spin, we all laughed at the Iraqi PR man saying defiantly how the Americans were in trouble and would be fought off as the tanks were rolling below him, The BBC and the rest of the Media definitely don’t want Corbyn because he is a danger to the cosy establishment lifestyle, the Champagne socialists of new Labour are preferred to him as they will not rock their never to be threatened money making games. It is not for fun billionaires own most of the MSM and the BBC run totally by ex Tories who are put there to spread the word of their donors, So the mantra is persistent “Corbyn is unelectable” just as they continuously undermined Miliband, it is now a game and they get away with it because nobody will report the flaws because they have total control of what is “newsworthy” to the public, So we haven’t seen anything about the state of our hospitals, the debt at £1.6trillion, the fact more and more people are being sent to food banks, and that more people are being made homeless because of Government policies. The Labour party have not done themselves any favours as the spotlight was easily moved from the failure of Cameron and his government over the EU referendum and instead had it constantly shone on Corbyn.

  7. jeffrey davies June 27, 2016 at 5:59 am - Reply

    Yvette Cooper, Tristram Hunt and Chuka Umunna. untill they sacked

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