Backlash against the Labour #ChickenCoup gathers pace

Supporters at the Manchester rally on July 1, all sending a message to the Parliamentary Labour Party: “We stand with Jeremy Corbyn; we stand for democracy.”
Labour MPs who tried to remove their leader with staged, staggered Shadow Cabinet resignations, a meaningless vote of ‘no confidence’ and a series of contrived stunts to make him look poor are facing the wrath of their fellow party members.
Several constituency Labour parties have already passed votes of ‘no confidence’ against their own MPs, with many more registering their confidence in Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.
First to bear the brunt of his fellow members’ displeasure, according to The Canary, was John Spellar, widely believed to be Labour’s most right-wing MP:
The first victim of what is now becoming known as the #ChickenCoup, is likely to be Labour MP John Spellar. He recently appeared on the BBC’s Daily Politics programme, and launched into a breathtaking rant about the party membership and voters – who are now all to the left of him.
Dismissing the membership as “Trots” and “lunatics” – Spellar revealed the utter contempt with which the Blairite ring of the Parliamentary Labour Party holds their 380,000 members and millions of voters.
So, as The Canary predicted – local constituencies are now moving against those MPs for disloyalty – beginning with Spellar. The Canary received this press release from Spellar’s ward this week:
“90% of John Spellar’s Local Labour Party Members Support Jeremy Corbyn. Following the tabling of a Motion of No Confidence in the Labour Party Leader, officers of Abbey Ward in the Warley constituency launched a poll of its members. Over 90% of the members have called on John Spellar (their Labour MP) not to support the Vote of No Confidence. The members called on all Labour MPs, especially our own MP John Spellar, to join with the majority of party members and reject this attempt to remove Jeremy Corbyn. It is only by uniting behind the leadership of the party that we will ensure that the Labour Party proves to the electorate that we are capable of governing and providing a real alternative to the austerity measures of this Tory Government at the next general election.
John Kelly
Abbey Ward
(Warley CLP)”But Spellar looks to be only the first, among a widespread democratic upheaval within the party. As BBC Newsnight tweeted (but no journalists seemed bothered to pick up) this is likely the beginning of a landslide rebellion against the neoliberal/Blairite establishment of the party.
It has been suggested on Twitter that Tristram Hunt’s CLP, Stoke on Trent Central, has also passed a motion of no confidence against him.
The Independent has published the results of a poll of party members stating that Mr Corbyn will “comfortably” defeat any of the likely challengers against him in a Labour leadership contest:
Though a new YouGov survey shows increasing concern amongst Labour members about Mr Corbyn’s leadership, there is little support for any of the alternative candidates vying to topple him.
Mr Corbyn would defeat Tom Watson by 50 points to 39, Angela Eagle by 50 points to 40, and Dan Jarvis by 52 points to 35, the poll says.
In any case, according to LabourLeft’s Eoin Clarke on Twitter: “Latest indication now is all three prospective challengers against Corbyn have chickened out. This will forever be remembered as #ChickenCoup”
One reason for this collective lack of confidence may be the treatment of Angela Eagle by her constituency party. The day after the EU referendum (June 24), Wallasey CLP voted overwhelmingly to support Mr Corbyn – with 40 members for him, none against, and four abstentions.
The deputy chair of Wallasey CLP has also appeared on television, voicing his own support for Mr Corbyn. At one point he stated that he believed in democracy, “unlike 172 Labour MPs”.
Isle of Wight Labour members have overwhelmingly supported Mr Corbyn:
At a meeting (Thursday) attended by 75 party members the following Motion was approved by 45 votes to 16:
•IW Labour re-affirms it’s support for Jeremy Corbyn as Leader of the Labour Party, democratically elected by party members;
•welcomes the new members of the Shadow Cabinet;
•calls on the Parliamentary Labour Party to put the interests of the country first, by stopping its divisive and distracting leadership challenge and focusing instead on dealing with the aftermath of the EU Referendum result.Both Labour councillors (Cllr Geoff Lumley and Cllr Alan Hollands) supported the Motion.
Nottingham East CLP has passed a vote of confidence in Mr Corbyn, although Chris Leslie MP wasn’t there to hear his CLP’s decision.
And Twitter tells us there were “great speeches at Lewisham West & Penge CLP meeting in support of Jeremy Corbyn.”
I’ll publish more information as and when I receive it. If you have information about, events, CLP meetings and votes – either about Mr Corbyn or about rebel Labour MPs, feel free to get in touch via the ‘comment’ column.
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well done Jeremy
The Night of the Long Knives seems to be coming to do away with the #/ChickenCoupers. Bet they never saw that coming when they were plotting their oh so stage managed resignations .
Maybe not the best phrase to use given its history….. :-0
Do we know how many supporters there are?
Of whom?
Corbyn: at least 254,923 (who’ve signed the 38 degrees petition supporting him)
The no-confidencers of the PLP: at least 172
This is for the people who could attend, Thank-you, from those absent, but there in spirit and heart.
All those constituents, who are unhappy with their MPs who have taken part the the ‘Labour Coup’. should let them know how they feel, and get their constituencies to put forward a motion condemning this undemocratic outrage!
The biggest trick is Corbyn being boycotted by the media and only reported to show him in a contrived negative situation. Then accused of being ineffective.
I’m lovin it. Keep ’em coming. Let’s hope we have enough alternative candidates to replace the right wing “Rat Pack”.
Charming reference to the ‘Night of the Long Knives’. I’ll comfort myself with the thought that Roy has never read a history book.
Personally, I’d leave Corbyn off the ballot paper as a punishment for his single-handed destruction of Labour as a credible political force. He’d then be welcome to challenge this in the High Court if he felt he had some divine right to appear on the form without receiving the requisite nominations.
No, you don’t get to punish the leader of the Labour Party because he has been standing up for democracy and the rights of party members.
He does have the right to appear on the ballot paper – not that this is anything other than an academic argument, since nobody from the 172 has the courage to actually put themselves forward.
I was at the Rally for Corbyn today in Liverpool and was surprised by the amount of people there, I am very angry over the antics of the PLP and did something I have never done before and sent an angry reply to Maria Eagle’s explanation of her vote against Corbyn. we haven’t had a CLP meeting since this mess but I will voice my disapproval when we do,
New Labour have become the old guard. Their tactics would make Lenin and Stalin proud and they probably don’t even see the irony. I have no doubt, given that they clearly can not win against him, they will once again try to hamstring the democratic process of leadership selection. They seem to think if they get rid of Corbyn they can gain power on the back of media support, all they want is power and a good career. They probably can win this way, but we can not allow it and it must not come to pass.
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They always look fine to me. Can you send a screenshot over next time it happens?
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