Petition launched to end BBC ‘smear’ reports about Jeremy Corbyn

Last Updated: July 2, 2016By

The campaigning site 38 Degrees is hosting a petition where signatories may register their opposition to BBC ‘smear’ reports against Jeremy Corbyn.

The BBC has ‘form’ when it comes to attacks on Corbyn – dating back to the contrived, on-air resignation of Labour MP Stephen Doughty, which was planned with the help of BBC political reporters Laura Kuennsberg and Andrew Neil, and beyond.

At the time of writing, the corporation’s website is prominently featuring an article claiming members of the Labour leader’s new Shadow Cabinet are trying to get him to resign.

No names are mentioned and there is no supporting evidence to confirm the story’s factual accuracy.

In fact, we have evidence from Shadow Home Secretary Andy Burnham that suggests the story is untrue.

It seems the BBC’s Tory-run news department will continue to act in a partisan manner, against Mr Corbyn and its own Broadcasting Code, until action is taken to punish those responsible.

If you want to help, please visit 38 Degrees and sign the petition.

The BBC needs to be held to account for the spiteful and manipulative coverage of Jeremy Corbyn following the EU referendum and during the leadership coup, which is grossly in breach of Section 5 of the Broadcasting Code – Section 5 covering “Due Impartiality and Due Accuracy and Undue Prominence of Views and Opinions”

Why is this important?

The BBC’s news coverage of Jeremy Corbyn has always been overtly biased against him and his leadership of the Labour Party, but following the EU referendum and the subsequent leadership challenge BBC news coverage of Jeremy has degenerated into journalism which is nothing short of bullying, smear, lies and distortion.

Article 5.13 of the Broadcasting Codes states that ‘Broadcasters should not give undue prominence to the views and opinions of particular persons or bodies on matters of political or industrial controversy and matters relating to current public policy…” Undue prominence being “a significant imbalance of views aired within coverage of matters of political or industrial controversy or matters relating to current public policy.”

This code has not been adhered to and the BBC coverage, on both TV and radio, of Jeremy has been relentless, crass and of the lowest standard. There are now more and more incidences of the BBC misrepresenting the facts by cherry-picking and by omission, and it can’t be allowed to continue.

The most shocking attacks on Jeremy, however, have arisen as a result of the challenge to his leadership. By giving it a significantly imbalanced proportion of airtime, the BBC is broadcasting a significant imbalance of viewpoints.
By allowing former members of Jeremy’s cabinet to resign LIVE on air BBC news reporting has become nothing more than car-crash journalism and should be saved for reality TV and gossip magazines.

In supporting the leadership challenge by giving it ‘”undue prominence of views and opinions” the BBC is effectively helping to undermine democratic process .
By giving undue attention and airtime to this leadership challenge they are sending a message to the people – that ‘democratic process’ is there to be ignored when it suits the agenda of the establishment.



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No Comments

  1. Phil Woodford July 2, 2016 at 2:11 pm - Reply


    • Mike Sivier July 2, 2016 at 3:07 pm - Reply

      Enjoy your nap, Phil. Win you wake up, it might all be over.

    • Brian July 2, 2016 at 4:32 pm - Reply

      Yawn? got us to where we are now, yes it is boring repetitive behavior by the BBC, and so were many of the misreported human tragedies that have happened. Lay on back while it happens and question your wisdom when it’s to late to stop.

  2. Dave Rowlands July 2, 2016 at 4:02 pm - Reply

    Signed and shared

  3. mohandeer July 2, 2016 at 4:37 pm - Reply

    To date the BBC has been caught misrepresenting matters regarding Jimmy Saville, the paedophile investigation, the illegal Ukrainian coup, the Crimean’s “Right to self determination”,the plight of the Palestinians, Hezbollah, Bashar al Assad, the IS in retreat after a Russian bombing raid and a whole plethora of derogatory remarks made against people they don’t like. I resent very much paying a corrupt corporation for a licence, the funds accumulated to be used in such dishonest and woefully inept reporting. I’d much rather give the money to John Pilger – someone of a calibre the BBC totally lacks.

  4. Kenneth Billis July 2, 2016 at 11:57 pm - Reply

    Strange thing with BBC Spotlight (BBC1 South West). Martin Oates was in no mood to give Ben Bradshaw an easy ride over his attitude towards Jeremy Corbyn a few days back.

    Today there was a demonstration in support of Corbyn in Plymouth. The BBC Spotlight cameras were there and included an interview with one of the demonstrators. The interviewee was allowed to put his case without a single attempt by the interviewer to try to put words in his mouth. Something which seems very rare these days where Corbyn is the subject..

    I wonder whether the BBC have a rogue producer down in this neck of the woods? Or perhaps fair reporting is still the rule down here?

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