Beware of anti-Corbyn smears like this

On the left: Lewis Parker, “creative strategist and media guru”; on the right, Anna Phillips of Blairite pressure group Progress – at the rally in support of Jeremy Corbyn on Monday (June 27). The media were in uproar about that T-shirt – at the wrong man. Where is the anger against Hilary Benn, against Angela Eagle, against Owen Smith?
There are only a few days to go until the Chilcot Report is published, so we can expect attacks on Jeremy Corbyn to intensify.
(It is widely believed that Mr Corbyn will call for Tony Blair to be investigated for war crimes after the report is published, and Blairites will do anything – it seems – to prevent that from happening.)
One of the more successful such attacks last week involved the photo above – and commentators are still talking about it as if it was Mr Corbyn’s fault that a person wearing such an offensive T-shirt attended the rally in support of him in Parliament Square on Monday.
In fact, it was the fault of the 172 mutineers who had been supporting the vote of ‘no confidence’ against him that day.
With the details, here’s Craig Murray. Do not trust anything you see or hear if it denigrates Jeremy Corbyn – it was probably dreamed up by a Blairite PR goon.
On the face of it, the old gentleman has a message on a T shirt which, while we might understand it is calling for the deselection of Blairite MPs, uses intemperate language which can be interpreted as an incitement to violence.
But look again at that photo. The body language of everybody involved is somewhat strange.
That is because the lady on the right is Anna Phillips, full time employee of the Blairite pressure group Progress.
While the gentleman on the left is Lewis Parker, a professional “creative strategist and social media Guru”. Now if you wanted someone to think up a stunt like this and then get millions of people on social media to see it via J K Rowling etc, ask yourself this question. Of all the thousands of professions in this world, which profession is the precise profession whose major task is to invent and set up stunts like this one? Why, a “social media professional”. Is it not an amazing coincidence that one just happened to be going past, as Ms Anna Phillips has explained it, on the way to the pub?
And this only the day after every mainstream media outlet ran as headline news that Jeremy Corbyn was heckled at the Pride rally by a man who happened to see him, who amazingly happened to be another professional PR man, Tom Mauchline, who happens to work for the Blair/Alastair Campbell PR firm Portland Communications.
Source: Craig Murray – Vauntie Cybernat, Former Ambassador, Human Rights Activist
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From what I have come across in the way of supposed leaks, it looks like the report will hang MI6 out to dry. It will go pretty easy on Blair in that criticism will be about not checking the intelligence sufficiently. It is reported today that Prosecutors from the ICC have said that they will not consider charges against Blair, but will scan the report to determine if charges are warranted against individual service personnel.
Blair and Campbell…now there’s an elite dream team of idle rich bent on distracting and mischief making just when their master stroke of how we went to war
on a bunch of lies is just coming out. Not that the overpaid Chilcott slug will want to say nasty things about that nice Tony and his untrustworthy mates.. I’m more interested to see just how straight the establishment, left and right, are in producing an honest report that really gets to the bottom of what the hell went on and all those responsible are held to account for their egos and misdeeds that cost the lives of service personnel. Unfortunately I have my money on a white wash…but hope I lose.
I would not be surprised if the old man was given the T shirt by said social media ‘professional’
Is it a man or a woman? I hate to admit it but I thought that person was female.
I thought that, it looks moreike a woman, the body shape is much more female. Not that it matters a jot, but I would be upset to be mistaken for a man too.
I think most people who have supported Jeremy Corbyn this far are unlikely to be influenced to change their minds with any smears this week.About as likely as seeing a flock of pigs flying by.
Yeah, but the mutineers are trying to influence floating voters.
As of January 2016, Portland partners include the former political editor of The Sun, George Pascoe-Watson, Mark Flanagan and Labour candidate Kevin McKeever.
In January 2012 Portland Communications hired James O’Shaughnessy, Prime Minister David Cameron’s former director of policy, as Chief Policy Advisor.
The Independent reported that Mr. O’Shaughnessy failed to inform the Whitehall committee which vets jobs for officials leaving Government, which was described by Sir Alistair Graham, the former chairman of theCommittee of Standards in Public Life, as a “serious error of judgement”.
Portland also employed David Cameron’s former Press Secretary, George Eustice. O’Shaughnessy was elevated to the peerage in 2015.
The t shirt is a photoshop job. It’s clear.
I wasn’t sure whether it is a woman or man either; not that it make any difference to me as I can see through the deceit it represents, so it probably is neither!
Another media set up.
Or do we really imagine that that harmless looking elderly person thought that stint up all alone and then just happened to run into a Progress Blairite (at a rally to support Corbyn), looking very smug about bringing attention to it, in company with a ‘creative social media Guru’, who just happened to come along…