The Graun is caught fabricating falsehoods about Jeremy Corbyn AGAIN
![Jeremy Corbyn addresses a Rally Against Hate Crime demonstration in Highbury Fields, London, on Saturday [Image: Jeff Blackler/Rex/Shutterstock].](
Jeremy Corbyn addresses a Rally Against Hate Crime demonstration in Highbury Fields, London, on Saturday [Image: Jeff Blackler/Rex/Shutterstock].
Needless to say, the story was inaccurate.
Here’s Len McCluskey:
Your paper has made much of a YouGov/Election Data poll claiming to be of Unite members and purporting to put ourUnite members at odds with their union’s support for Jeremy Corbyn (Weekend respite as Watson seeks talks on Corbyn exit, 2 July). Your readers need to know two things about that poll. One, Unite did not collaborate in this poll and there appears to be no effort by YouGov to explain how it confirmed those polled as definitely being members of this union. Two, a sample of 775 out of a union with a membership of over 1.4 million members cannot be regarded as a serious indicator of the feelings of Unite members, especially when half of those polled are not even Labour voters. Without access to Unite’s membership database, there is no way the poll could be properly weighted to represent the membership either. This poll lacks any integrity and is a malicious attempt to undermine Unite’s democracy.
Len McCluskey
General Secretary, Unite
Source: Poll does not represent members of Unite | Letter from Len McCluskey | Politics | The Guardian
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Len is so right there. Anybody with only a basic level of knowledge of statistics knows that to obtain an accurate estimate of how a large population will respond to a given question, there needs to be big enough sample and it needs to be weighted in order for it to a truly representative sample of the whole population.
Getting that sort of data takes time to assemble. Given the “urgency” of the rightwing press to publish something quickly to try and give a negative narrative out before Chilcot Day, the Graun has used some rubbish sample result which at best is naive and at worst is an outright lie.
You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you cant fool all of the people all of the time.
The media seems pretty desperate to backup it’s lies, it knows it’s now on the loosing side, it’s only a matter of time before a volte-face, who will be the first to try and maintain it’s credibility in an increasingly lost campaign.
Whatever happened to ‘investigative’ journalism?
Not inaccurate – a deliberate fabrication.There’s a difference, one is that the Guardian is inept at delivering the truth, the other is that it is a corrupt gutter press media source.
I believe totally in freedom of Speech and freedom of Press and Media but this belief is being sorely tested by the behaviour of the Press and TV Media both of these information outlets are nothing of the kind they are no better than the Nazi Rags The National Beobachter and Der Sturmer the media Barons are in fact Propaganda Chiefs for the far right the centre right and attempt to destroy anyone who does not agree with their agenda which is the Subjugation of the working Class and Poor and the instillation of their Dystopian Government if we the People do not prevent Blairite Traitors removing through the Blair way Lies Spin Bullying Threats and making out they are only thinking about the Party and the Country a They are LIARS they are Corrupt they are Bullies and they only thoughts they have is for Themselves # Keep Jeremy
If the press are lying complain to the powers that be and if they slander Mr Corbyn he should take them to court. If he doesn’t, why not?
In print it would be libel.
A report about a survey of Unite union members would not slander – or libel – Jeremy Corbyn.
It did misrepresent the opinions of the union, for the reasons Len McCluskey mentioned in his letter. He responded appropriately by providing a correction for the paper to print.
Baroness Jowell the original Blair Babe on politics today was slapped around her ample Lying chops by a Young Labour Activist!!! Jowell to Corbyn supporting Activist I think you’re very naive after the girl had said the party had to join together not naive says the girl hopeful Left Jab to Jowells Chops !!!! Activist Jeremy has the backing of the Membership Jowell he does not have the backing of 174 MPs and the PLP and
he will not get the backing to challenge for the Leadership and he does not have the backing of the membership his support is disintigrating nonsense replies the another Left Jab to the Jowell Chops!!!!!! Yong Activist to Jowell Jeremy Corbyn has the backing of the Young People the Unions and a huge Majority of Grass Roots Members!!!!! Jowell to Young Lady that is not true a poll was conducted ( Discredited) and people want him out I have people coming up to me in the street upset saying when are you going to get a new leader so why don’t you go to the bus stop and ask people get out and see what’s happening!!!!!! The Brilliant young Activist fighting JCs and our corner with a straight face replied to the Bullying Blair Loving Baroness I do get out I am a activist I speak with people I go Door to Door I go out on campaign I did one with You at Brentford at the last Council Election!!!!!!! Right Hook to Ra Baroness’ Chops The BLAIRITE Bullying Baroness is knocked out by a Young Labour Lady Activist Brilliant
This rag for the neo Liberals are salivating at the thought of JC being omitted from the Ballot, we already know this rabble are Cowardly tonight they are proving to be just that, they are holding a Secret Ballot to decide the Future of a Democratically Elected Leader of The Labour Movement, HOW DARE THEY the entire 174 Cowards should be DESELECTED EVERYONE OF THEM FIGHT FOR DEMOCRACY FIGHT FOR FREEDOM FIGHT FOR JEREMY