This is the kind of person Gloria de Piero has invited into the Labour Party

Last Updated: July 4, 2016By
Gloria de Piero.

Gloria de Piero.

You know that Sun article by Gloria de Piero? The one inviting former Labour voters who read that hideous rag of toilet paper back into the fold, in order to rid the mutineers in the Parliamentary Labour Party of Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership?

Here’s an example of the quality of entrant she has encouraged.

The original article is longer than this; I just wanted to quote the parts I thought were most relevant. Feel free to visit the source site if you think I might have been biased in my selection.

After you’ve read it, consider this:

Is this really a person with Left-leaning politics, as he claims to be?

I know that the current leadership of the Labour Party consists of the very worst people in this country’s political society. They hold views that are racist, dehumanising and abhorrent to the vast majority of decent people. They have no interest in improving the lives of the majority of their fellow man, and only interest in the punishment and degradation of those they hate. Some of the people they have attracted to the party have no place in public discourse and should be returned to the misogynistic, antisemitic, conspiracy-laden corner of the internet from whence they came.

Originally I joined the Labour Party in support of their commitment to the removal of Saddam Hussein. While so-called socialists were leaving a party that was seeking to liberate people suffering under fascism I joined.

Vanquishing Saddam Hussein showed the world that you couldn’t murder your own people by the thousands without consequence. That you couldn’t threaten to annihilate democratic states without consequence. That you couldn’t be a fascist dictator without consequence.

Enabling the transformation of Iraq into a democratic country is one the United Kingdom’s greatest achievements since World War Two. I say that to be clear about my position. I deliberately say it ahead of the publication of the Chilcot Report. I have no doubts that mistakes were made but I know that the guiding principle was right, and fundamentally in keeping with the principles of both the Labour Party and what guides us as citizens of a western liberal democracy.

I am re-joining on the United States’ Independence Day. The United States path to freedom should be the inspiration for the left, yet it is not. The documents that Americans hold dear – the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights – these should be our aspiration.

I know that in order to get from where we are now to where we need to be that I have to help and remove this repellent group of people from both the leadership and the membership of the Labour Party.

And finally I know that Gloria De Piero is right, inspirationally so.

Source: Why I am re-joining the Labour Party | The Gerasites


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  1. Pip July 4, 2016 at 11:01 pm - Reply

    Sorry… I just couldn’t help this bit of snark.

    I know that the current leadership of the Labour Party consists of the very worst people in this country’s political society.

    Wait… was this written ten years ago, because that might make sense…

    They hold views that are… dehumanising…

    Wait! #piggate anyone?

    …and abhorrent to the vast majority of decent people. They have no interest in improving the lives of the majority of their fellow man,

    Ah… damn all that decent provision of social housing and public services. Not to mention common sense manufacturing policy. It’ll never work!

    …and only interest in the punishment and degradation of those they hate.

    Oh, yes. I see where you’re coming from. A lot of us dislike the DWP lately. Many of us with good reason.

    Some of the people they have attracted to the party have no place in public discourse and should be returned to the misogynistic, antisemitic, conspiracy-laden corner of the internet from whence they came.

    I’ve got to be honest. Elrond does not agree with you.

    Vanquishing Saddam Hussein showed the world that you couldn’t murder your own people by the thousands without consequence.

    But you could murder another nation’s people with total impunity.

    … western liberal democracy.

    Tony, is that you?

  2. martin blank July 5, 2016 at 9:28 pm - Reply

    That guy is Tony Blair’s dad and I claim my £5.

  3. Philip Howard July 6, 2016 at 12:18 am - Reply

    “Vanquishing Saddam Hussein showed the world that you couldn’t murder your own people by the thousands without consequence”.
    So where was she when they where told thousands of people in the UK had killed themself’s over the WCA test by the DWP, Where was she when the Rise in hate crime against Disabled in this country, i could go on and on but it would be like talking to a brick wall

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