BoJob’s new job may cause an international incident. Or many…
![The newly appointed foreign secretary, Boris Johnson, waves as he leaves 10 Downing Street [Image: Oli Scarff/AFP/Getty Images].](
The newly appointed foreign secretary, Boris Johnson, waves as he leaves 10 Downing Street [Image: Oli Scarff/AFP/Getty Images].
“Dear Rest of the World, we apologise in advance for Boris Johnson. Yours, UK.”
It really doesn’t. In fact, it’s only a matter of time before he causes a major diplomatic incident, as this tweet reminds us:
“Britain’s new foreign secretary published this poem about Turkey’s President Erdogan in May.”
Some have speculated that this shows terrific political nous on the part of no-mandate May, who was voted in as PM by 199 Conservative MPs, making her election perhaps the least democratic ever in the history of the UK. “Give him enough rope…” they say.
Give this one enough rope and he’ll hang us all.
It isn’t a clever move; it’s a matter of political expedience. May had to give BoJob a job to appease Brexiters who wanted some of their number in the cabinet.
She decided to give him a portfolio for which (as another Twitter friend put it) the only worse candidates would have been Nigel Farage or Prince Philip, neither of whom happen to be Conservative MPs.
It isn’t a sign of intelligence; it is a sign of our new prime minister’s weakness.
Philip Hammond has been appointed chancellor of the exchequer and Boris Johnson foreign secretary as Theresa May allocated the top posts in her cabinet on her first evening as prime minister.
Hammond, who was foreign secretary, was the first to be appointed and replaces George Osborne, who was fired from the government, Downing Street announced.
The second major appointment – and a much more unexpected one – was Johnson as foreign secretary.
Source: Theresa May unveils cabinet, with Hammond and Johnson in top jobs | Politics | The Guardian
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he might be okay in Holland they like bikes, he could always offer a tantalising deal on the 3 German water cannons that are going to be scrapped by selling them back at scrap value. I am sure this person will make a excellent foreign secretary, his first country to go to will be Germany hopefully wonder if he say anything about Germans then and he can always go to Turkey next, I am sure they love his poetic prose.
His face says it all really, make Britian great again, he looks like someone who been told a bad joke and don’t know what to
good old BJ, the man of the moment, this might make some good entertainment
I’m trying not to be personal, but for some reason, everytime I either see or hear BoJo, the words ‘bumbling idiot’ spring to mind. No idea why though!
Johnson is a proven liar, a charlatan, a philanderer and a nasty self-serving narcissistic prat, who uses public office purely for his own selfish ends.
Well we have an unelected set of liers and nutters running the country get ready for the rip offs coming thick and fast
jeezus this is mother Teresas first mega mistake and so quick to give blondie a consolation prize or give a thankyou pressy to the Boris elite. The foreign secretary?? Did someone check her CV? Of all the jobs to give this clown
this was certainly not it surely to god there was something more appropriate or safe that he could accept that was associated with entertainment etc. How can you seriously approach sorting Brexit out with this situation looming overhead stradled on a high wire..
“mother Teresa” LOL, I like that one! Mother Teresa – May the force NOT be with her!
You couldn’t make it up. I look forward to any meetings Bojo has with Obama before he stands down.
If that’s her reason for doing it, then it’s a smart play by May, him as foreign secretary, he’ll fail at that like would’ve done as PM, some think she’d done it to cripple Brexit as there’s the possibility of there being another referendum.
First we insult the Palestinians and Muslims across the world with the appointment of Blair as Peace Envoy to the ME, now the water cannon wielding bungler Boris as Foreign Sec.
The UK must be the laughing stock of the world or be viewed as murderous Islamaphobes, or both!