Man arrested over Angela Eagle death threats
![Angela Eagle has received a series of homophobic emails and phone calls, according to her constituency office [Image: Jack Taylor/Getty Images].](
Angela Eagle has received a series of homophobic emails and phone calls, according to her constituency office [Image: Jack Taylor/Getty Images].
Homophobic abuse? Death threats? These have no place in the election of a leader for the Labour Party.
This Writer was not aware Ms Eagle was gay until all this nonsense started happening and, having found out, I don’t care. Her romantic affairs are none of my business.
The only possible reasons anyone should want her to stop her leadership bid are political – because we think her ideas are wrong for Labour and wrong for the UK. It is entirely possible to demonstrate this without engaging in abuse or threatening violence.
As for the brick that went through her office window – we still don’t know whether this was a ‘false flag’ attack, or what. There’s certainly no reason a local Labour member would do it, considering the repair bill would come from party funds.
Where was the burglar alarm? Why is there no CCTV footage?
A man has been arrested on suspicion of making threats to kill in an email to Labour party leadership contender Angela Eagle.
Merseyside police said a 44-year-old suspect was being questioned following an arrest in Paisley, Renfrewshire, on Friday.
A police spokeswoman said: “A 44-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of making threats to kill. Officers from Merseyside police executed a warrant in Paisley, Scotland, this morning, Friday July 15, and arrested [a] man. He will be questioned by Merseyside detectives today. The arrest comes after an email was sent to the account of Wallasey MP Angela Eagle.”
On Tuesday, it emerged a brick was thrown through the window of Eagle’s constituency party office – a day after she announced her leadership challenge to Jeremy Corbyn.
Following the incident, Paul Stuart, the co-vice chairman of the Wallasey constituency Labour party, said it was not an isolated incident and that Eagle had received a series of “really vile” homophobic emails and telephone calls.
Source: Man arrested over Angela Eagle death threats | UK news | The Guardian
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I am not happy with this persons attack on JC., but totally object with abuse of this kind to anyone.
If you can’t defend your corner without resorting to personal abuse, then something is wrong with your corner
It wasn’t her window. There are 6 businesses in that building. Just saying
So I’m hearing. I can feel another article coming on.
Definitely a Corbyn supporter then if he/she couldn’t tell one window from another.
I take it you’re being facetious.
It’s far more likely to have been a vandal or opportunist burglar.
Have you any evidence to suggest it was a false flag attack?
I’m not disagreeing, just wondering if you knew something…
As for the abuse over her attack on Corbyn, are these people completely mindless?
She is going to have her arse handed to her in the leadership election, which is by far the best way of getting to her.
No, I’m just putting up alternative possibilities – which is something the mainstream media should have done first.
The death threat. Yes “good”. Totally condemn it!
The homophobic abuse… Fabricated out right lie! See link from a publication that was previously champion ing Angela but are no longer doing so;
Re Eagle being gay, I’m surprised you didn’t know as it’s never really been a secret, she came out before she was elected; though I was never sure which sister was which. Personal abuse and attacks really have no place and true socialists should have no truck with discriminatory behaviour of any sort. Any member of the Labour Party guilty of this kind of behaviour should be disciplined/expelled.
Politics generally has devolved into something I am struggling to recognise. The attitude of contempt people have to politicians of all stripes and the feeling that any form of abuse is acceptable are the very attitudes that led to the assassination of Jo Cox. Most politicians whether you agree with them or not are in the business to try to improve things for their communities and are hard working and sincere. You may fundamentally with what they are trying to do but they deserve a degree of respect. Nihilistic ‘a plague on all their houses’ is a sign of ignorance in the general population who can’t look deeper than the gutter press.
There is a malaise at all levels encouraged by the aggressive questioning without listening to the answers on popular news shows a la Paxman which attempt to denigrate politicians. By all means they should scrutinise policy and behaviour but the contemptuous attitude and refusal to allow a nuanced answer where a simple yes or no doesn’t serve just adds to people’s impression that the politicians are untruthful.
Corbyn says he wants a ‘kinder politics’ and the press have a responsibility in this sadly they have decided that dramatic headlines are more important than the truth. For example when Corbyn made a speech to a union recently it was stirring and so well received that he was given a ten minute standing ovation. Seems this escaped the notice of all the press.
If we can’t get our message out there because the press won’t publish it how the hell do we get anyone to listen? Social media etc only gets so far and then mostly in o a self selected group with a common viewpoint already ie preaching to the converted but it’s the uncommitted we are seeking to influence so how do we get to them? I would really like some new ideas.
Obviously no one has anything but disgust at threats to kill, or highly abusive messages. But to say that any of it is because of opposition to her ideas means that she actually has articulated them. So far, to the best of my knowledge the closest she has come is to say something about following Corbyns Agenda, all without saying what she means by that. It barely seems credible this could be a reason for such alleged targetted bile. Perhaps if the originals of the trolling and threats were produced we would be better able to understand and even try to help stop it, if it is actually being perpetrated by our fellow Corbyn and Labour supporters.
I, too, had no idea that she is gay, until the other day. Why is it relevant? It has absolutely nothing to do with why I won’t be voting for her. I won’t be voting for her for exactly the same reasons why I did not vote for Yvette Cooper, or £iz Kendall; I’m far from inspired by them and don’t think them right for the job. Angela Eagle’s performance in then E.U. referendum debates was woeful; she just doesn’t have… it.
Was the man arrested a supporter of Jeremy Corbyn?
That’s not known, it seems.