Theresa May has added hypocrisy to her prime ministerial qualities
![May said she personally called chief executive of Softbank about the £24 billion ARM takeover [Image: REUTERS/Paul Hackett].](
May said she personally called chief executive of Softbank about the £24 billion ARM takeover [Image: REUTERS/Paul Hackett].
This Writer is willing to bet she has started as she means to continue.
Theresa May… has seemingly performed an about turn on her plans for a policy of opposing foreign takeovers of British businesses less than a week after it was announced in Birmingham.
May said on Monday that she personally called chief executive of Japanese company SoftBank about the £24 billion takeover of the UK’s biggest global technology company, ARM Holdings, to congratulate him on the deal.
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Comes with tory territory. Some of us still remember Thatcher’s St Francis references about bringing harmony where there was discord, blah,blah, blah. Well she elimnated the harmony and stepped up the discord. Expect nothing good of Mrs May and you won’t be disappointed.
So soon? Surely not replaced one liar with yet another one? it’s like a Cons conveyor belt
Mrs May’s priorities will be the usual tory priorities – making money for her pals at the expense of the country.
Nice to have you back on this page :) I can read this much better Mike – thank you!
What did you expect! She’s a Tory.
Can expect the persecution of the unemployed, sick and disabled to continue too – Big money involved and an easy target!
Don’t even entertain trying to fight your own corner, you’ll just be listed as uncooperative and be sanctioned, then instead of £77 a week you’ll get nothing!
The only thing worse than a liar is a liar that’s also a hypocrite! Tennessee Williams
One more non-banking business out of the way.
The Conservatives were ELEVEN POINTS ahead of Labour in a recent poll.
So what?