Apparently Labour members are now banned from using the word ‘Blairite’
It seems “Blairite” has joined “traitor” and all those other words I can’t remember at the moment in being forbidden to members of the Labour Party.
Yes, I know I’ve just used them. Let’s just see what happens to me, shall we?
Conversely, the terms “Corbynite”, “Corbynista”, “Trot” and “rabble” are still permitted, which seems more than a little one-sided.
And pointless. If there’s anything likely to push British people towards voting for one side, it’s seeing the rules skewed in favour of the other.
It’s official: the word “Blairite” is now considered to be a term of abuse in the Labour Party and its use banned at meetings.
“Blairite” was on the list of proscribed words, apparently provided by Labour HQ and which was read out to a meeting of party members in Croydon last week. And anyone found to have used it publicly could even find themselves banned from taking part in the forthcoming leadership election.
Labour officials have begun sending out lists of “registered supporters”, the people who have forked out 25 quid to take part in the party’s leadership election, in an effort to weed out anyone who is deemed not be a “genuine Labour supporter”.
With so many Blairites “embedded” into Labour’s party structures over the last 25 years, Corbyn’s backers fear that the process will be used to purge their support among grassroots members and those who have been drawn to the party in the past year.
Source: Croydon Labour meeting bans the use of the word ‘Blairite’ | Inside Croydon
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Does that mean we can report all those MPs who have called themselves Blairite over the years or called each other it?
Lets get their vote taken away too, wonder how they would feel.
And Akehurst, surely he must of used that word in his revisionist article in the Guardian yesterday. I would love to see his smugness wiped off his face if he got caught up in this.
But no, we all know this is just an excuse to conduct another Stalinist purge of the membership in order to subvert democracy by the Blue Labour (is that allowed?) machinery.
I really don’t understand how they’re getting away with this blatant attempt at rigging the vote. How do they think they’re going to keep any credibility when this is all over whatever the outcome?
oh dear me blairtes are considered a dirty word oh dear it is to millions who cant defend themselves against this cruel government rigime has blair was part of it oh dear oh dear me
You may find this of value :
Blairite” has joined the word “traitor thats about right, Blair was a Traitor to the Party and there is no getting out of it and Now the people that are the Party are fighting back to make the Party There Party and do what they want and not a so called an elite that think they are the Party
It’s hackneyed to say something is Orwellian, but this most definitely is. Removing the possibility of a sin by removing the word and then the very concept of it. Will “socialist” be next to go I wonder, to be replaced with doublepluscenterist? How about bollox, is bollox a banned word? Because that’s what moves like this is.
I thought it was us lefties that were supposed to be the communists, Oh I forgot the right have got the Nazis, that’s why their banning free speech. Personally I like my new title of being a Corbnista, I feel it means standing for the Truth.I support Jeremy and always will. Good men like him are rare in todays world
I do find the banning the word Blairite absolutely ridiculous, when Labour came to power under the Leadership of Tony Blair, the most fashionable words being used were these, ” New Labour” and “Blairite”. The use of those two terms showed you were a Middle Class neo-socialist, showed you were one of the “In Crowd”.
Now our own Labour Party have ruled that using the word “Blairite” is offensive, how can that possibly be.
The divide in the party is plainly obvious due to the Progress Group and the Momentum Movement at opposite ends of the political spectrum the current Labour Party operates under.
Will the words Progress and Momentum be banned because depending where you are from the centre politically or left wing politically, it is construed as an insult to use those words.
Just one correction: Progress is right-wing. There’s nothing centrist about it.
Absolutely Mike, but in Nu Britain the true centre is made to look like a Trotskyite plot
Is Moderebel still ok to use, or don’t the Blairite Stasi like that either?
I like it! They can say what they like.
Can you confirm or deny the existence of a list of proscribed words, and more importantly provide a copy of the aforementioned list?
I can’t confirm or deny anything but I think it’s a load of old claptrap.
If there was such a list, we’d all know about it by now.
Just a substitute for Stalinist. Enough is enough this censorship is going too far these people are servants of the party not dictators.
We should call a halt to this TRIBALIE will that be a proscribed
The Labour NEC is really becoming more and more Stalinistic by the day! How long before we have Commissars monitoring how long the applause for Jeremy Cobyn lasts at his rallies so that a “limit” of some kind is introduced? Getting to be tiresome.
The red tories should be called out for what they are, blue labour traitors!
I fully understand the term Blairite being offensive – Like the person named Tony Blair – War criminal and traitor!
Lied to the public, Parliament and you would have to believe to the Queen herself!
Why are the Blair Babies be allowed to dictate the terms and conditions of what constitutes bad mouthing and what doesn’t. The momentum movement and supporters of Corbyn have been called all sorts of diabolical names, shall anyone who has bad mouthed members not belonging to Labour First or Progress also be banned from voting. If the answer is yes in order to preserve parity and fairness, then most of the votes will have to be cast out. Should make even shorter work of the counting.
At midnight all the agents,
and the superhuman crew,
come out an round up everyone,
that knows more than they do.
Then they bring them to the factory,
where he heart attack machine,
is strapped across their shoulders,
and then the kerosene,
is brought down from the castle,
by insurance men who go,
check to see nobody is escaping,
to Desolation Row.
Well there goes Angela’s vote