Are left-leaning Labour members being denied the right to submit motions to party conference?

Last Updated: August 28, 2016By
[Image: Oli Scarff/Getty Images.]

[Image: Oli Scarff/Getty Images.]

J Simpkin has assembled a few model conference motions to oppose those put forward by Luke Akehurst and his right-wing ‘Labour First’ organisation.

They’re on his blog here, or can also be read on the original sites (links below).

CLPs can hold meetings to discuss resolutions. This is essential conference business.

Each CLP can submit ONE policy “contemporary resolution” to send to Labour Party conference, as long as they have not already submitted a rule change this year.

Contemporary resolutions need to refer to events that have taken place since 5 August, but obviously they can deal with more general things as well.

The deadline for submission is 15 September.

At the conference, delegates will prioritise certain areas for debate and voting. The more CLP that submit the same or very similar resolutions, the more likely that area will be picked – and the more likely the motions will not be watered down by administrators when “composited” (put together) with other resolutions.

Many Constituency Labour Parties do not meet in August and some will not meet till after the September deadline. So any considering submitting a resolution need to ensure they have a meeting in the relevant period, or do something like empowering the CLP executive/conference delegates to submit a resolution (maybe giving them some guidance on topic, etc).

(The above information on submitting contemporary resolutions is from this site.)

To be honest, This Writer fears that those of us on the left of the Labour Party may not have realised the danger here until too late.

My own constituency party had a discussion about the conference back in May, when it would have been impossible to submit a contemporary motion. There has not been even the slightest suggestion that we should have a meeting to discuss such a thing.

Perhaps it is paranoid to fear that opponents of Jeremy Corbyn in the local party have been hoping to keep the possibility quiet, in order to allow the Labour First motions the maximum impact.

What other explanations are there?

Here I have gathered some model contemporary motions for the 2016 annual conference

This is in response to the issues I outlined here: Luke Akehurst from “Labour First” claims to have already “fixed” the Labour Annual Conference


Hands off our schools – for comprehensive education
After the referendum: uniting our communities
For a publicly-owned banking, pensions and mortgage system
For a democratic, pluralist Labour Party
NHS: stop privatisation, save the health service


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  1. Phil Woodford August 28, 2016 at 4:56 pm - Reply

    Who exactly is J Simpkin? He or she has certainly pulled together a hilarious bunch of leftist resolutions. It reminds me of the 1980s all over again.

    • Mike Sivier August 28, 2016 at 11:29 pm - Reply

      You’re entitled to your ridiculous bunch of rightist opinions. You remind me of the 2000s all over again.

  2. casalealex August 28, 2016 at 6:44 pm - Reply

    With all the recent incomprehensibly ambiguous suspensions of Labour Party members, it is surely feasible to determine that many members will be denied the right to submit motions to party conference’

  3. mohandeer August 28, 2016 at 7:41 pm - Reply

    In other words, whether you vote for Smith a sometimes socialist leftie or Corbyn a career socialist leftie, Luke Akehurst has no intention of allowing any of the policies either have been advocating getting an airing. So, just remind me again, what is the point of voting Owen Smith?

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