Israel’s Ethnic Cleansing of the Palestinians was Planned from the Start | Beastrabban\’s Weblog
Beastrabban is a little better-read than This Writer when it comes to the history of the world’s religions so, when he says Zionism always contained an element of ethnic cleansing, I believe him.
His current piece is a response, both to Mark Regev’s propaganda piece about the Battle of Cable Street and my criticism of it, and draws on sources that modern Zionists like to quote, so there should be little argument over this.
This may seem a long way from This Blog’s original involvement with matters to do with Israel, Zionism and Judaism – my defence of innocent people who have been accused of anti-Semitism by supporters of Zionism in the UK.
But it is important to understand what modern, aggressive Zionists are actually doing to those of another religion in the Middle East before one can form an opinion on their accusations of religious bias against people here in the UK.
I believe that there was always an element within Zionism from the very start that contemplated and planned the dispossession of the Palestinians. In the piece ‘Same Old Same Old’ in Robin Ramsay’s ‘View from the Bridge’ column in Lobster 58, Ramsay notes how one of his readers spotted a paragraph claiming precisely this in a review of ‘Four Books About Islamist Terrorism’ in the Sunday Telegraph for 18th June 2009. This states”Meanwhile, the founder of modern political Zionism, the Austrian journalist Theodor Herzl, had earmarked a site for the Jewish state. In June 1895, he wrote in his diary: ‘We must expropriate gently the private property’ and ‘spirit the penniless population across the border’.”
Ramsay lays bare what this means
“Ethnic cleansing, in other words. Which is what the Israeli state has been doing since it was founded; but doing it piecemeal, slowly enough to avoid making too many waves in America.”
See: and scroll down until you get to the relevant section.
Now the quote from Herzl makes clear that he did not want it done violently. But as Ilan Pappe has documented in his books and lectures, it was done with considerable violence. Massacres and forced expropriation were committed from the very foundation of Israel in the 1940s. And quite often the worst perpetrator of these crimes were Labour governments under leaders like Golda Meir.
This does not mean that all Israelis support this programme of ethnic cleansing. Indeed, as I’ve said, there are many Israelis and human rights organisations in Israel, that are deeply opposed to it. These include B’Tselem, the human rights agency. There is a political party standing up for the Palestinians, which includes both Israelis and Palestinians. Israelis have protested against the house demolitions, where rabbis have also led down in front of bulldozers to protect Palestinian homes. Members of the Israeli armed forces have also protested against their country’s oppression of the Palestinians. And a few years ago a Jewish peace organisation occupied the New York headquarters of the Friends of the IDF.
And many modern anti-Zionists aren’t opposed to the state of Israel. Most of them, including Dr. Finkelstein, want a two-state solution, in which Israel withdraws to its pre-1967 borders. But Regev in his article lies and says Israel’s opponents want the complete destruction of the country. The Israeli government, however, firmly refuses to pull back from the Occupied Territories on the grounds that this would leave the country militarily vulnerable. And so they continue to justify their dispossession and persecution of the Palestinians.
Source: Israel’s Ethnic Cleansing of the Palestinians was Planned from the Start | Beastrabban\’s Weblog
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My understanding, from reading of the history of Palestine, was that the original Balfour Declaration was compiled by a prominent Zionist and worded in a deliberately vague way, in order that in the future the indigenous Palestinian people could be driven from their land by the colonists from America and Europe.
All this for land and gas (the gas which British Gas buys) and all profits go to the Israelis instead of the Palestinian people.
Whenever Regev has been allowed his vile moments on the microphone and in type, it has always been the most virulent and poisonous tripe spewed.Specious would come nowhere near his verbal diarrhea.
Yet whilst there is a tacit acceptance of this sewerage from the controlled PTB in this country, then little will be reined in. The ZioMSM will merely spread this evil gospel and further pollute the ordinary, ignorant minds of easily xenophobic people and more, the real Jewish people will have had travesty poured on them one more time
Be careful: “Zio” has been identified as a derogatory term. Don’t lower yourself – and this site.
Tricky with no edit facility. Thus is Zionist also a no go word? Strange days when precision descriptors become Kafkaesk or PC forms of censorship. In my day a spade was and still is a spade. Maybe that becomes dangerous terittory. I remind myself of that attributed to Voltaire: “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize”
No, Zionist isn’t no-go. But “Zio” is held to be intentionally derogatory with possible racist/anti-Semite undertones, as far as I can tell. Best not, eh?
It isn’t that you’re not allowed to criticise Zionism – just that you shouldn’t do it by low means.
Mike worth reading my latest book Dreams and Realities, where my great uncle, as a journalist for The Telegraph in the 29/30s discovered while unearthing gold owed the family from the Revolutionary War, the very shenanigans we have today with all this and his chats with Churchill are illuminating among others who spilt the real beans – thefreedomcycle dot com gets you there.
Relevant non intentional plug. (delete if I break rules!)
J.L.Trapman. When I was about 7 years old having traveled south from geordie land, there was a lot of white writing on a wall which read “PAKI BASHING OK”. I asked my mum what it meant and I got a fat lip and slight concussion when I hit the floor. Mother did not tolerate that sort of thing in her household and only relented when she realized I was clueless.
Ever since then I have had an aversion to shortening names. It really doesn’t matter a jot whether it is PC correct, but as a matter of respect, because among the extremist Zionists there are many decent people who battle against the nazi-like, genocidal and apartheid policies adopted by certain members of the Israeli far right wing.
Whether or not we recognize their right to their views we have to acknowledge their right to exist and refrain from insults as a means to denounce them, regardless of our feelings on their false protestations, let’s not get down to their level.
We must expropriate gently the private property on the state assigned to us. We shall try to spirit the penniless population across the border by procuring employment for it in the transit countries, while denying it employment in our country. The property owners will come over to our side. Both the process of expropriation and the removal of the poor must be carried out discretely and circumspectly. Let the owners of the immoveable property believe that they are cheating us, selling us things for more than they are worth. But we are not going to sell them anything back. Theodor Herzl
Hmm. So Herzl was proposing a “transfer” policy long before Hitler and the German Zionists? Interesting.
If Israel could find some way of wiping out all of the Palestinians in both the Gaza Strip and the West Bank without receiving international condemnation for doing it, they’d do it in a heartbeat!
Although Britain drew up the Balfour agreement, we didn’t see it through because the British Government knew Israel would not abide by the humanitarian Laws. Many serving officers and policemen in Palestine in 1936 witnessed Israeli murders of Palestinians and were told not to intervene for their own safety because the Israelis would kill them if they did. Truman didn’t care because the US wanted it’s strategic friendly power in the ME and that is why Israel is still funded by the US today.
It’s well documented for those who want to see or hear the truth. The right wing elements of both leading parties have vested interests in preserving Israel’s borders irrespective of the humanitarian cost – Phillip Hammond is just one example of the Islamaphobic thinking, but there are plenty of others both sides of the Westminster aisle.