Trump’s trash talk about women is indefensible – especially by Nigel Farage
![Nigel Farage claims Donald Trump's comments are just "alpha male boasting" [Image: Jonathan Bachman/Getty Images].](
Nigel Farage claims Donald Trump’s comments are just “alpha male boasting” [Image: Jonathan Bachman/Getty Images].
Real men don’t.
I know the comments are from a video that is 11 years old, and if Mr Trump had been a youth when he said those words, I might have given him a little leeway; we all have to learn where to draw the line when we are young and we all make mistakes.
But my understanding is that Donald Trump was 59.
I would feel very insecure if a man like that was “leader of the free world”.
Considering the number of Republicans who have renounced their support of him – including former bodybuilding, Hollywood hard man and politician Arnold Schwarzenegger, it seems I am not alone.
The fact that Nigel Farage leapt to his defence is totally unsurprising.
If the Fuhrage really reckons men talk like that, then we have an explanation for much of his political career.
For once, I agree with Tom Watson, who reportedly said Mr Farage’s comments betray a troubling attitude toward women.
We already knew he had a troubling attitude toward foreigners.
Does anybody know of a group this man hasn’t offended?
Cynical Nigel Farage has tried to play down Donald Trump’s disgusting remarks about women by claiming they’re the “kind of thing men do”.
Despite outrage across the Republican party, the Ukip leader brushed aside Mr Trump’s “grab them by the p***y” claim as “alpha male boasting”.
Mr Trump refused to quit last night as former US Presidential nominees John McCain and Mitt Romney distanced themselves from his “vile” and “demeaning” comments.
“Sickened” House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan called off a joint campaign event with Mr Trump, his running mate Mike Pence declined to defend him, Arnold Schwarzenegger said he wouldn’t vote for him, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice called on him to quit, and right-wing Sarah Palin said the comments were “beyond abhorrent”.
Yet tasteless Mr Farage was sticking to his plan to attend tonight’s TV debate between Mr Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton in St Louis, Missouri.
He told reporters in the city: “Look, this is alpha male boasting. It’s the kind of thing, if we are being honest, that men do.”
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It makes me wonder, if he was based in the UK, if he would have Yewtree breathing down his neck.
I haven’t heard him offend the Ku Klux Klan, Tea Party, NRA, White Supremacists or Nazis – but I could be wrong.
I see nothing wrong with Farage actually being honest about the situation, but to give him the nomenclature fuhrage i.e. linking him to Hitler, and agreeing with Tom Watson’s imbecilic comment about Farage, who has a german wife’s attitude to foreigners has long been shown to be a myth created by those who support a bigoted foreign body in brussels that allows freedom of movement to a mainly white populace whilst making it very difficult for black or coloured people from outside the bloc to enter legally.
Get your facts right, Barry.
The EU doesn’t stop people from outside the 28 member states from visiting them, or indeed staying in them. There are more immigrants in the UK from outside the EU at this very moment than from within.
So your claim of bigotry by the EU is based on false information and is therefore incorrect.
If you’re wrong about that, you may be equally mistaken about other matters, such as the attitude of the Fuhrage. His wife’s nationality has little to do with anything as people like him often make exceptions to their own prejudices – for themselves.
The E.U. mightn’t stop non-E.U. citizens but the U.K. does. I know from bitter experience. The fact that there are more non-E.U. citizens here than E.U. citizens might be to do with refugees and asylum seekers, or simply that it is easier for E.U. citizens to return home, or that the Home Office is a bit poo. I would rather that all non-U.K. citizens were treated the same.
I have a sister in Colorado which is a swing state. She is saying there are still plenty of people, including women who are still supporting him there despite Denver’s reasonably sized Hispanic community. It could be close.
One of my sons who is currently resident in the more cosmopolitan New York City is saying the opposite for there. You pays your money and …………
I don’t think we will get an idea of the amount of damage the latest furore has done to Trump until after this next debate. Not long now.
I’m male and I never talk about women like Trump did.
As a male I can say categorically, that Fuhrage is way off the mark when he claims that all men act like Trump and that such remarks does call into question his gender identity.
Took a while but someone finally dug up a plan b to sabotage the Trump run. Thankfully I do not have to vote for either of these candidates as from the negative feedback about both of them they seem very unsuitable to be leading a super power……maybe that’s the plan to implant a pliable puppet.
Apparently Farage has been “informally” advising Trump, which seems very odd to me. I can’t help but wonder if Farage is on a jolly (free hotel, free flight, ego stroking self-aggrandisement in a foreign country) or receiving a back-hander for his trouble. Probably a jolly. Even Trump sin’t dumb enough to be guided by Farage and pay him for his trouble, surely? It is extraordinary to hear a presidential candidate simply lie in public the way that the very unsavoury and unpleasant Donald Trump does though isn’t it? He just makes things up and states them as fact. Kind of like the Brexit lie about saving £350,000,000 a week if we left the EU, earmarked to be spent on the NHS – a complete and utter fabrication fomented by the Brexiteers.
Very sad to see politics at home and abroad degenerating to such levels.
It’s the kind of thing that certain men do in certain circumstances and betrays an arrogance. It’s the kind of thing that lands certain so-called celebrities in trouble; footballer, movie stars, talk show hosts etc. It’s how those people end up in court accused of sexual assault. There is a sense of entitlement, because they have an over-inflated idea of their self-importance and power. Trump said it, himself; when you’re a star, they let you do what you want. Sadly, some do, which fuels this idea. I’m not defending him, by any means but he is certainly not alone in his attitude. Remember, at the time when this footage was taken, he was, for all intents and purposes, a “star.” When nobody says no to these people, they believe that they can behave as they please. It is possible that he has changed but that remains to be seen. I believe that it says more about him that his attitude to women.