Corbyn should be congratulated – not condemned – for his level-headedness over Syria

“This is Omran. He’s alive. We wanted you to know.” But was the photograph taken by a terrorist, or terrorist sympathiser, for propaganda purposes?
Good for Jeremy Corbyn – he’s refusing to be drawn into the automatic condemnation of Russia that seems to be demanded by current reporting of the Syria conflict.
Syria is a media war, and this means we cannot trust a huge amount of what we are shown.
Remember that photograph of shellshocked child Omran Daqneesh, covered in blood, in the back of an ambulance? It shocked the world. Then we were told it was taken by a terrorist.
Who do we believe?
It seems some people have forgotten what the ultimate aim in any conflict should be: Peace.
Mr Corbyn is right to be cautious in his responses.
Some MPs were angry after they felt Corbyn questioned whether Russia had been involved in the bombing of a UN aid convoy in Syria that resulted in the deaths of a number of civilians. MPs said Corbyn referred to an attack that was “apparently” carried out by the Russians.
Angela Smith MP, who asked about the issue, said: “It is deeply concerning that Jeremy is unwilling to face up to the role that Putin’s Russia is playing in Syria. The recent criminal atrocities committed in Aleppo make the case for an effective international response overwhelming and Labour needs to show moral leadership on what is an intolerable situation.”
However, Corbyn’s spokesman denied that he had held back on the issue. “The evidence is often very murky but he said that the evidence appears to show that Russia was involved in the bombing, if not Russia the Syrian airforce, and all evidence appears to show it was a war crime.
“He’s looking at real evidence rather than the rhetoric. He has condemned all atrocities, he has condemned Russia, he opposes all forms of foreign intervention in the conflict.”
Source: Labour MPs clash with Corbyn over Brexit and sacking of chief whip | Politics | The Guardian
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we never now the truth of it has we lied to by gov and media yet hearing news on rt one takes it with a pinch of salt but its more to the truth of it but bombimg other countries we have no right to that brings more people to our shores that be the truth of it
Not forgetting Russia is the only foreign country in Syria who is there legitimately, by invitation!
The West ARE supplying weapons and training to groups with links to ISIS and just what legal right is there regarding forcing a legitimate government if you fly in your own air space you will be shot down by countries with no legitimate right to be there!
The West are simply trying to enforce a regime change, and the results of Iraq, Afghanistan prove they have no care for the chaos they leave behind!
If the West try to enforce this WW3 is the likely outcome!
According to some sources, leaks of email from Mrs Clinton did know about USA selling arms to ISIS.
Also, Mr Obama is going to declare that one candidate is pulling out of the election and the election will be cancelled because the americain constitution will not allowed a vote with only one candidate.
Some truth will come out about the Bush, Clinton tribe and some top people are facing prison.
All these on the pipeline are forcing the elites across the west to use maximum propaganda to force a war with Russia and China.
Russia has been invited into Syria. America and her allies have not.
As jeremy is again showing a level headed approach to this volatile situation rather than attcking Russa and Syria as is the case with most of the Tories. The Tories are once again using this to further their ideals at the expense of the general public of Syria.
Maybe Assad does need removing, but the West has cried “Oil!” – I mean “Wolf!” too many times to be believed, and has had their lies too willingly accepted. Our government’s intervention won’t make things better for the innocents in Syria.
“Some MPs were angry after they felt Corbyn questioned whether Russia had been involved in the bombing of a UN aid convoy in Syria that resulted in the deaths of a number of civilians. MPs said Corbyn referred to an attack that was “apparently” carried out by the Russians.
Angela Smith MP, who asked about the issue, said: “It is deeply concerning that Jeremy is unwilling to face up to the role that Putin’s Russia is playing in Syria. The recent criminal atrocities committed in Aleppo make the case for an effective international response overwhelming and Labour needs to show moral leadership on what is an intolerable situation.”
However, Corbyn’s spokesman denied that he had held back on the issue. “The evidence is often very murky but he said that the evidence appears to show that Russia was involved in the bombing, if not Russia the Syrian airforce, and all evidence appears to show it was a war crime.”
Odd then, that various other non biasd non MSN have already concluded from the available evidence that the UN convoy was attacked by ground fres belonging to ISIS with the aid of the US predator drone deployed before, during and after the attack on the aid convoy, using hellfire missiles. There is no evidence, whatsoever of either Russian or Syrian involvement. Hooda thunkit?
Can you provide links to website stories? That would be very handy.
There have been times over the last couple of days when the torrent of anti-Russian rhetoric and venom has seemed to me like an international version of the chicken coup. I wonder now just what it would be like in the House of Commons if the coup had succeeded and, say, Hilary Benn was the leader of the Labour party. Thank goodness it didn’t and we have a rational leader in place.